Chapter 22

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Alice pov:
It's been 5 years sense I got married to Dylon ...Zoey is 16 years old I'm 28 years old Dylon's 29 years old ..I had a little boy he's 4 years old his names Joel  ...Zoey calls me mom ..I treat her like she's my own I always have and I always will .....


"Yes I'm down in the kitchen !"

"Where's my book bag?!"

"I don't know your the last one that had it  but in your closet I think !"

"Oh never mine I found it "

"Babe where's my Tie ?!"
Dylon said

"Umm..I don't YOUR the last one that wore it ...! But I think on the bottom draw to the left!"

"OH I found it!"

"Mommy where's my shoes ?!" Joel said

"Ummm..look in your room under your bed "

"Ok" he ran upstairs

Then user Zoey and Dylon come down ..

"Hey princess "
Dylon came and kissed me

"Hey mom "

"Hello my beautiful beautiful family I made breakfast " I said

"What you do?"
Dylon said

"Why do you think I did something?"

"Because you made breakfast and well ..your happy on Monday .."
Zoey and Dylon gave there self a look

"Umm..well my mother is coming to visit" I took a sip of my coffee

"Gramma I don't like that lady " Zoey said

"I don't like her ether ..and she's not my biggest fan  ether "
Dylon said

"Hey y'all two hush ..that is still your gramma ..your mother in law and My mom !"

"Yeah yeah ..the witch of the upper east side !"

They both laughed

"YALL are going to be late both of y'all byeee see y'all later oh shit I'm be late too !"

We all ran out the door then Dylon yells


I ran back in got him I put him in the car ..
That's my life ^^ but anyways when me and Dylon got married my mom didn't not show up ..she didn't approve she didn't come ..but Sarah and Luke are a thing they been dating for a while they can to the wedding and Crystal and Jake came as well they had another kid a little girl named Jazz and the boy is named Mason  ....well believe it or not ..Dylon became a vet ..and so did I but we got jobs  at different places and I have to take Joel on Monday and Tuesday ...and on Wednesday Thursday Friday I take Zoey's fair ...I guess ..some times Zoey is a pain in the ass but I love her ..she reminds me of me when I was at that age how I feel in love for A bad boy named Dylon Smith ..

Dylon pov:

My life is perfect ..Alice can be a pian in the ass as much as Zoey... the day that me and Alice got married  her ..that woman didn't even come to her own daughter's wedding ..that's why I call her the witch of the upper east side ..I don't like that woman and heather does Zoey ..that woman didn't approve that I already had a daughter but that was her loss .. anyways I love Alice Zoey and Joel them with all my heart and I will always will ..I don't regret messing with Alice In high school ..that how I meant the love of my life ..that sound so cheesy but it's true .

-I hope y'all like the story think this was awesome 💕✨😍🌟

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