Chapter 17

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We went to the mall then we going to the movies...we sat on the very top row ..the movie theater was basically empty ..there was this couples old couples ..goals ..I smiled and we sat ..

" you know what's going up with Jake and Crystal ?" I asked

He smiled
"Well Jake ..I think he really likes her but ..Jake sometimes is hard to read ...what about  Crystal?" he said

"I don't know ...she said that she really liked him..but on the other hand I said ...that he's a fuck boy and he won't change ..then she said ..she can change him" I looked up at him

"If you think of Jake as a fuck boy then what do you think of me?"
He said with A smirk

"You know..a fuck boy and that fucks every thing that moves"
I said with a laugh

"What if I change what would you think of me then ?" He asked he raised a eyebrow

"Ughhh..a good guy ,nice guy ..but that's not you ..your like a bad boy ..which I kinda like " I said with a laugh  and looked away

He laughed and said
"So you like my bad boy side?"

Before I could answer he phone started ringing ..he pulled out and I saw the name...."addy" ,I rolled my eyes and he said

"I have to get this I'm be right back "

I nodded ..he got up and went down the stairs ..
Who tell HELL is addy that he always has to get the phone when she calls ..I rolled my eyes and looked at the screen the movie was starting was about some crazy couples ..that started playing a dare games and the dare's are extreme ..then I see Dylon coming up the stairs when he reaches me he says

"What I miss?"

I cross my arms and say

"Daredevil couples does extreme dare's"
I día with out taking my eyes off the screen

"Umm..are you mad ..because you seem mad..?"

Then I turn to face him and say
"Who's addy?"

"Why are you asking?"

"Because she calls and run out to answer her call or this morning when you left just because she called ?"

"Alice" he said in a whisper

"You know what it's non of my business "

"Alice I wanna tell you but your going to think I'm the worst guy ..."

"Tell me what you slepted addy  last time ..or something "

"No Alice !"

"Then what tell me !?"

"Fine "

He grabbed my hand and lead lead me out them we were in the parking area and we were by his motorcycle ..he leaned against it and took a deep breath..and said

"Addy' my gramma...."

"She's your what,gramma omg I feel stupid .."

"That's not all ..I have a kid ..that's why I ran out this morning she had a fever and she wanted me to come"

"You have a kid..." I looked away I was kinda shocked and then I said

"What's her or his name...?" I asked


"Dylon when old is Zoey ..?"

"3 about to be 4"

"You had her at 15?"

"Yeah ..."

"Who's the mom?"

"This girl named Brianna..but she's not round  so.."then he looked away

"Dylon ..I'm sorry for asking so many questions ". I felt bad for. It trusting him

"It's ok ..if I was you ..I would have not trusted me either because of my passed ..."

"You decided to keep Zoey..why?"

"Because I didn't want her to be a orphan ..I know what that feels like"


"Now you understand why I run out when Addy calls .?"

"I'm sorry for being this jealous freak "
I laughed

"It was kinda cute .." he laughed

"You wanna come hang out at my house for a while?"

"Yeah .." he said


💕✨🎄 I hope y'all like it ...💕✨🎄

Are y'all shocked or not that Dylon has a kid that's 3 years old ???

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