Chapter 11

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Chapter 13:
We got to the open place ...a field with a building and a street we were in the middle of no where but then I saw lights and heard music... Omg what did I get myself into ...when we got closer I could see motorcycles cars ..girls with barley anything on and guy with tattoos ...dam then Dylon parked and I swans my leg over to get off and then Dylon did the same ...then I saw Crystal and she ran up too me and said

"Omg this places is awesome ..TBH I  don't get why we're here Dylon Jake and have any of theses girls but why us??!"

"True I don't get it ether "
I said

Then Dylon said
"Because y'all are different y'all aren't like theses girl "
he said with a smile look straight at me

"Whatever "Crystal said

"Follow me we're going to go look for Jake!" Crystal said

"Not with out me you aren't "
Dylon said

"Oh so your our dad now?!"
Crystal said with her arms crossed

"Hey I just don't trust these guys here there bad news ok and don't drink anything they give you alright!"
He whispered the last part

"Yea yeah dad !" Crystal said with attitude

I just nodded and then Dylon grabbed my hand ..I smiled and I felt heat go to my cheeks ... I turned and looked the other way

"Oh I see HIM JAKE JAKE!"Crystal said
She waved at him ,he smiled and came over ..

"So is Alice ridding  with you cause Crystal riding with me!"

"Umm..I think the girls should ride I think it's to dangerous "
Dylon said looking at Jake

I looked at Dylon and then at Jake and in the corner  of my eye I saw Crystal with a angry look ....
Then I say

"Nope I'm riding !"

"No your not " Dylon said

"You think I haven't done this before?"

"Obviously !"

"Hahahaha ...I have doe this more that I can count !"

"Oh really where?"

"Dylon I did these races with teddy ..remember the girl that wore everything black and high high heels ?!"

"Yea that girl was legend!"

"Well guess what I was the legend !"

"Stop playing ..."
Dylon and Jake said

I looked at the with a series face
"I'm serious ...remover that time I was behind a mustang black with red and came up to me and tried to flirt with me but ...I turned you done and teddy was pissed !"

"Yea I remember that ..hey I told to keep that to her self and never tell no one ...your her Omg ...!!!"

""So your going to have a legend on your motorcycle dude that's awesome !"
Jake said and flashed a smile

I looked over at Crystal she with her eyes wide open and open kinda opened

"Close your mouth babe your going to get flys in there"
Jake said

"Did you just call me babe ?"Crystal said

"Maybe" Jake smile 
Hope y'all like I'm kinda feeling better but I'm ok I guess✨💕🔥

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