Chapter 8:

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Alice POV :
We got to the students parking lot and we parked and I swung my legs over and got off I gave the helmet to him and he smiled at me ..I gave him a confused look and a smile and ..he just shook his head ..we started walking to the school front door but ...I saw Sarah she gave me pissed off look and then I saw she wrapped her arms around guys neck , the guy turns around and omg was Luke ....he looked at me and rolled his eyes and kissed Sarah...what?¿ I'm so confused ,I started to like him ...and then he turned around and smirk at me ...then someone arm was around my shoulders and then someone is a calm voice whispers in my ear

"Sense the day I meet him I didn't like him"

I looked to see who it was and it was Dylon ...he pulled me in and then we go in the school and people stair at us then I whisper to Dylon

"Why are they all staring at us ?"

He chucked and said
"Because your with me and I have my arm around you ,some girls are going to hate you and some guys are going to start to noticing you "


He walked me to my locker

"So what you dong tonight ?"

"Nothing why ?"
I asked

"Such a beautiful girl has nothing today on a Friday night !?"

"Dylon I have no life I know !"

He laughed and said

"Well some friends are going to hang out and a's a thing we have ..can't tell you but it's fun !"

"I'm not going if I don't know what it is and why can't you tell me!" I said

"Because people tell people and get around to everyone "

"I'm not messy tell me or I'm not going "

He rolled his eyes and said
"I never said you were messy I'm just ...dam ..fine .. A race a get together "

"I'm going to have to think about it"


He rolled his eyes

Then crystal comes running down the hall and she says

"Omg so Jake invite me to this thing tonight but my parents won't let me go unless you go so please come its basically ..a get together!"

Then I looked at Dylon he smiled and raised his eyebrows

"Ok sureeeeeeeee "


• she talked so fast but I grabbed her by the arm and said

"Umm...(I looked at Dylon ) " then he said

"You don't have to worry crystal ..she's going with me"

She widen her eyes and looked at me

"Your going with that dushbag !!!"

"And your going with Jake aka the asshole !!"I said

"Yes because he likes me!"

Then  Dylon laughed at little
"What are you laughing at you dick!"

"You really think Jake likes you ?"

"Yes and do I really believe that you like Alice ...let me think about it ..NO!"

"Ok,whatever "
He said we a simple shrug

"I'm be at your house at 9:00 ok see you then!"

Then she left and I looked at Dylon and rolled my eyes he put his arm around me and then I shrugged it off ..

"I'm going into the bathroom hope you don't follow me !"

"Ok but you know we can do it in a ..."

"Dylon! Nasty !"

"I'm just saying !"

I went into the restroom and I saw Sarah and her 3 minions ...

"Well well look what the cat dragged in !"

"Can't a girl just use the bathroom in peace !" I said

"I saw you with my man and I don't like it !!! "

"And why do I care if you don't like it exactly?"

"Because your going to pay for not leaving him alone ...I left you a note and I texted you but you decided to leave me on read "
Then she looked at Courtney and Haley and the both pushed me against the wall making me drop my books and pinned my arms against the wall I would punch the shit out of them but they were to strong ..then Sarah came over with a curling iron ...oooo fuck ..

"It might hurt a little !"
she said with a laugh and she pressed it against my stomach and burned me with the curling iron I screamed in pain ....she pressed in deeper and deeper then she came up to my face and said

"I should burn your face too ,but to be honest he don't like you he just wants to use you !"

Then she burned both of my arms and picked up her stuff and left with out another word ...I slipped down the wall in pain ever thing hurt .....I gathered my books and walked out and I saw Dylon by the lockers I'm pretty sure his going to notice the burns because I'm wearing a small shirt with no jaket and ...

"Alice wait up !"
Dylon called after me but I just lowered my head and kept walking then I feel some ones hand on my arm and I scream in pain
"Sorry are you ok I didn't mean to grab you that hard!"
He said

I just looked at him and he looked at me and grabbed my arm gently and widen his eye

"Alice who the hell did this!?"

"Dylon please just leave me alone I don't want any more problems!"

"What do you mean ? Who did this"he screamed at me

I started crying and said
"Sarah Sarah did this now please leave me alone I just ..." Then he pulls me in and hugs me ..why am I crying am I crying because he yelled me or because my burns hurt like hell ?


-hope y'all like I'm be post today again but later so be ready turn NOTIFICATIONS ON please💕😘🌈

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