Chapter 9:

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Alice POV:
"Dylon I don't need to go home I'm fine!"I yelled

"I'm taking you home "

"Omg I'm fine!"

Then he grabbed my arm and I jumped ..because of the pain ..

"Oww ,why you do that!?"

"Because your not fine so I'm taking you home!"

"Fine I'm going home but your not taking me!"

He looked at me confused

"Don't look at me like ,there's  rumors all around the school that I'm your next victim ...there calling me a slut ...i get nasty looks from girls that I know ..some texted me 'I thought you were better then that' like what the fuck ...I don't even like you your a asshole ,a jerk ,a man whore fuck whatever moves ...guys don't get called names like Slut ,Whore do they? No I didn't thinks so ...I'm walking home because I know your not going to stop bothering me about it so I'm going home but not with YOU!"

He tilted his head and smiled and said
"Your so cute when your mad!"

I rolled my eyes
"Did you get any of what I said just a second ago!?"

"Yeah and your not going by your self I'm coming with you "

"Omg DAD !"

"Of do I'm your daddy now?"
He said with a smirk

"No your not my DADDY OMG ...!"

I started walking off ...i didn't look back then feet leave the ground ..what the fuck? Then I see its Dylon ...omg


He had me bridal style

"No I told you I'm walk with you home"

"Exactly WALK WITH ME. Key word WITH !"

"Well more like carry "

"Dylon put me down please I'm fine! Seriously I am "
I said in a sweet voice with puppy eyes ..he looked at me and his eyes were soft ..

"No your can trick anyone with that act ..I almost fell for it"
He laughed


"There goes the Alice I know"he chuckled

I rolled my eyes and laid my head on his chest ...

When we got to the house he put me down and I unlocked the door ..we came in

"You can go now I'm home and safe!"

"Is it the day of then mouth ..doll face?"
He leaned on the wall

"NO I'm not ..or am I ...NO I'm not !"

He laughed
Then I feel my phone buzz a ton of times and it was text from my friends saying
'I thought you weren't that kind of person why with Dylon ?!'


'Your such a whore '

A tear lid down my cheek  ..
The I saw Dylon stand up straight

"Why are you crying ?"
He asked

I put my head against the wall
Then he came and took the phone from me ..I tried to grab it back but he was to fast ..I whipped the threats from my face and then he looked at me ..

"Alice your not a slut don't believe what they think just because we're friends don't mean nothing "

"I don't care what people think but my whole life I try to stay out of messy and rumors and stuff .."

He came and hugged me and gave me my phone back ..all the text were deleted ...

"Dylon why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I wanna be friends again like the old days "

"Dylon that was my ...fault I know and I'm sorry"

"Hey no it's not "

"Yes it was you went to jail for a a few months for being drunk and trespassing   because of me!"

"Hey I survived wasn't that bad but if you would have gone to jail instead of me then I would have gone crazy "

"But why did you stop talking to me and ignore me all these years ?"

"Because there was some stuff that I didn't want you to be involved in back then "

I looked him in the eye
~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~~
"Sarah we going to get caught !" I giggled

"No we're not !"
She laughed

We got into the car

"We don't even have a drivers license were only in 9th grade !"

"We're going to be fine !"Sarah said

She turned the car on and we drove we got to the party ..we got out of the car and I saw Dylon ..I ran up to him ..and hugged him ..

"Hey best friend !"

"You look pretty "

"Thx "

We went into the party we got pretty drunk but Dylon didn't really drink ..we decided not to drive home so we walked ...and then Sarah said

"Omg we should sneak into Carlo house!"

"Yess we should !"

"NO we shouldn't !"
Dylon said

"Your no fun "
Sarah said

Then me and Sarah ran to Carlos house and started claiming into his house because of a tree ..we went and started playing around

Me and Sarah said while we laughed then ..I hear Dylon call are name
"SARH ...ALICE !"but in a whisper

"Come and find us !"

"Alice stop playing we have to go before.."

I ran into some one and it was Dylon ..I grabbed his face and kissed him ..he kissed me back

Some man said

Then Dylon pointed to the window we ran to it ..I claimed out  but before Dylon could claim out the room lights turned on ...
I heard then mans say

"I'm calling the cops is anyone else  with you?!"

"No just me " Dylon said
~~~~~~~~president day~~~~~~

"Do you know what happen to Sarah that night?" I asked Dylon

"I guess she got out before the cops go there"


Then I got a text from Crystal

❤️: hey so about tonight ,I'm about to come over its 8:00 Ik but I have to do your makeup and hair and I have to do mine so I'm be there 8;10!

🌸:yeah ok
I looked up at Dylon and I smiled ..

"You ready for tonight?"I asked

"You still wanna go ?"

"Hell yeah I'm not going to let all that shit put me down !"

"Your tiny but deadly..should I be scared?"

"Yes " I said with a laugh

He smiled and put his hands in his pocket and looked at me then I said

"You have to get out of here crystal is on here way!"

"Ok and...?"

"Bye see you later!"
I waved at him but he smiled ..

"Omg do I need to carry you out!"

"I wanna see you try !"

I started pushing him towards the door put then the door flew open

"HEY SO I BROUGHT THE CURLING IRON AND SOME MAKE UP ...." Crystal then looked up and jumped

"Omg ...?"

"He was Just  leaving !"

"So I'll pick you up at 10:00?"

I nodded then I saw crystal raise a eyebrow and kinda smile ...
•hope y'all like it I'm post another chapter today 🌸


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