Chapter 19

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Alice pov:
"Ms.Alice please answer the question"

"What questions..that why your still single not married? Well I can answer that because your a .."

"Out of my class room to the office NOW!"

"Your just mad that's the truth !"

I got up and got my book bag ..and walked out day isn't not my day ..I hate everyone I hate everything! ..I don't feel good and these teacher expect me be nice to them when the treat you like your a piece a shit..I walked into the bathroom ..I saw Sarah ..

"Hey..your a mess" she said

"So are you ..why you crying?"

"I'm not crying!"
Sg covered her eyes

"Yes your are your mascara is smeared"

"Ughhh..nothing really important "

"If it's nothing important then why are you crying about it?"

"Finee..Luke ..the new guy ..well he said that I was cute and stuff and well we went out a couple and today ....I saw him kissing Jenny!"

"Sense when do you care if a guys with another girl ..every week you have a new boyfriend!?"

"Because with Luke it's different ...I feel like I can be myself with him..not a fake version of me"

"You have another version..a good version?"

"Yes ...I haven't been a bitch to you in a while because I kinda trust you know ..I consider you as a Friend 1/2 " she smiled smile

"Your my 1/2 friend to!"
I laughed

"So why do you look like a mess?"

"Because ..I don't feel good and well in MR.blackbean's class he asked some question and well i answered ,what question oh that why your single and not married?,he throw me out of class"

She busted out laughing

"He had that coming "

"Hey about Luke ..I'm pretty sure he thinks all you want is sex and making out and nothing serious but tell him you want something different with him a Relationship..."

"Yeah ..thx"

I walked out of the bathroom ..I had to go to the office because I'm pretty sure he called the office to inform them I was on my way ..if I don't go I get suspended...I drop my book bag at my locker ..and the someone hugs me from behind and whispers in my ear ...

"Why aren't you in class.."

"Because I got kicked out.."
I whispered back

i know it was Dylon..I turn around and I see him smiling ..I smile back

"Why aren't you in class?"
I asked

"Because I got suspended "
He laughed so did I

"I think I'm rubbing off on you " he said

"A little but he kicked my out for no reason but why you get suspended?"

"What you say that pissed him? and become in the art room i throw paint at the teacher on accident because every and Jake were messing around"

"Omg Dylon your so mean ..why you throw paint at Ms.Goodlife she's so nice...did you a least say sorry and ... He asked me something and well I didn't hear him so I said ,why your single and not married ?, and he got mad "

He laughed
"Yeah I said my bad and I was sorry"

"Ok good....That's not funny now I have to go to the office "

"Oh ...and Ms.bad girl ..oh I liked that"

"Shut up has been the worst day ever ..I hate everyone and I hate everything ..I just wanna go homeeee!"

"Is it that time of the month?" He said with a smile

I rolled my eyes
"Maybe..but not the point "

"It is the point wonder you been having mood swings lately.." he looked other way a raised his eyebrows

"Grrr..yeah ok bye "

I started walking to the office ..
He grabbed me by arm and pulls me towards him...

"See this is what I mean"
He said with a laugh

"See and this is what I mean when I say bye" I pushed him..and started walking

"A least can I get my kiss"

I turned around and went back to him ..I kissed him ..and turned back around..

The office was right in front of me ...then I turn around and walk towards Dylon which was still standing there like a idiot...
Maybe a vacation form school won't kill me ..suspended it shall be ...

Hey so this chapter is long it's 739 words so I hope y'all like it I'm post agin today ..I'm hoping to finish MR.bad boy today turn notifications on thx love yall✨💕😍 comment and leave a like💯❤️🌟

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