Clarity: A Klaus' daughter fanfic

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I opened the door to the Mystic Grill. It was probably the biggest restaurant in town. It seemed to be the place where everyone gathered and talked. How cliche, a blonde bus boy in the bar. There was also the black haired guy who I guessed, was always there to drown his thoughts. The guy was drinking burbon, exactly what I needed.

I walked towards the counter and sat about 5 seats away from the guy, I didnt glance in his direction again.

"Burbon please. " I asked emotionlessly to the blond dude.

"How old are you?"He asked me.

"Old enough for a drink." I looked 16, maybe 17 but I was actually about 1000 years old, I lost count after 500
It wasn't hard to detect that the guy was on vervein, that means no compelling.

"I'm sorry but I don't think you're getting burbon tonight." I sighed. Well, there was anothir girl serving in the bar. I called for her. Great the burnette chick wasn't on vervein.
"Burbon please. " I looked directly into her eyes.
"Sure,give me a minute." I smiled. Finally a little thing to take my mind of things.

"Well, well look what we have here. " The black haired dude from befor was now sitting beside me. he had deep blue eyes. By the way he looked at me it was ovious he was trying to pull me in, his black leather jacket along with his attitude said everything: bad boy. Not my type."Who are you? What do you want here in Mystic Falls." His tone showed that he felt he was better than others. He thought I was a vampire, classic mistake. Suddenly I remebered about my reaserch, I always get information about my destinations before I go there. Gotta know what I'm dealing with, right. Anyways, that guy was Damon Salvatore: cocky, badass vampire who fell inlove qith his brother's girlfriends, who were dopplegangers of Tatia , old little bitch.
I decided to play a little joke on the salvatore.
"Don't you remembre me? I came back for you, Damon?" I waited until his face drowned in confusion before laughing.
"Hahaha you face was epic. I can't believe you fell for that. "
"WHO ARE YOU?!?" his face reddend because of the anger.
"Amber." My burbon arrived and i gulped half of it down. "I think it's none of your buissness what I do here in Mystic Falls, salatore.oh and say hi to never know what can happen, you're alive one minute and the next...."
I stood up amd walked a few steps until damon spoke. "Don't you dare touch Elena." I turned around and winked.

I wanted to make my exit dramatic so I walked to the door swaying my hips and when I opened it I fliped my hair. From the corner of my eye I saw Damon staring and a smirked played my lips for a few fractions of seconds until I started running to my destination.

Clarity: A Klaus' daughter fanficWhere stories live. Discover now