Chapter 14

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  Glimmer: A Hunger Games Fanfic

Chapter 14

"Where do you think she would have gone?" I asked Peeta when everyone got their weapons situated.

"To find water." he replied back as if the answer was obvious. I looked at his arm and saw that it was bleeding pretty badly. Without thinking,  I went to the cornucopia and grabbed the first aid kit. Inside was all kinds on bandages and ointments that I never seen before. I pulled out a thin white bandage from the pile and started tying it around Peeta's wound. He stared at me questionably but I ignored it.

Cato threw a pair of goggles and a flashlight at me. "It's going to be dark soon. Wanna have some fun?"

I smiled wickedly,"Of course."  I looked at the sky, finding to see it little dark orange. I almost gasped. Did the bloodbath take up half the day? It felt like it lasted only a few hours.

As we waited for it to get more dark, we grabbed everything in the cornucopia and storted it out.

"We should put it in a pile." Clove suggested as she bites into a big red apple.

Marvel and Cato nods into an agreement.

"Why?" Peeta asked as he dipped his hands in the lake.

"Becau-," Clove started until we heard some metal clanking together.

We all snapped our heads toward where we put the weapons and saw the boy from district three look at us with huge eyes.

Cato cracked his knuckles and started toward the boy with his sword raised.

"Wait, I can help you!" the boy cried out as he cringed.

Cato dropped his raised arm and pulled the kid in the air by his collar. "How so?"

"The land mines," the boy started," I can dig them out and reprogram them. You can put them around your pile of stuff."

"Cato put him down. We could use him," Clove demanded.

Cato looked at her and his face lost its hard look as he looked into her eyes. He dropped the boy,went over to a pile of tools, and handed him a shovel. "Start digging."

"I'm Albert by the way." the boy pipes out.

"I said start digging," Cato retorted. "We are going hunting, don't do any funny business."

Albert nodded and ran off to one of the pedestals. He had to be at least forteen or thirteen years old. He had brown hair that was cropped above his eyes and had to be close to five feet tall. Looked like he hasn't even hit puberty yet. Poor kid.

For some reason he reminded me of Ivory. It was probably because they are the same age and had the same brown hair color.  A lump formed in my throat as I forced the tears to retreat from my eyes. I tried clearing my mind to erase the thoughts. I mustn't be close to this kid, if I do I will lose my mind. That must not happen.

I looked in the sky and saw black smoke rising above the tall oak trees in the dim light.

"Guys, I think we found our first victim." I pointed towards the smoke.

Everyone, except Peeta, grabbed their weapon and gear then heads toward the smoke.

"Do you think it's Katniss?" Marvel asked. I looked over at him. He had a smug look upon his face. To be truthful, I didn't really know him. I think he went to the academy that was cheaper for families that were low class. I've seen him around the district and being one of Ivory's admirers. We never talked to each other. We didn't have a reason to. I wondered if we actually talked together we would be friends.

"What do you think Lover Boy?" Cato asked. "Is she smart enough to light a fire at night?"

"I'm not for sure," Peeta says looking at the smoke.

I sneered at him. He definitely knew if she would and was just trying to save her. I looked at my fellow allies and saw in their faces that they knew that he lied.

He wasn't going to be no help. We should have killed him earlier.  As they walked toward the woods I staggered behind. I raised the bow and loaded it with an arrow.  I aimed for his head. The arrow flew through the air and before it hit its target, a hand reached out and grabbed it. Cato looked at me and shook his head. "Not now." he mouthed.

I clutched my jaw together in anger. We had no use for him now. What was Cato waiting for?


Yay an update!!! Sorry for the wait :) I cleaned up the other chapters and no worry I didn't change anything in the story. :)

I will hopefully have another chapter up soon. I might have it up next week but no promises. :3

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Have a great evening/day!


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