Chapter 15

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Glimmer: A Hunger Games Fanfic

Chapter 15

We rush into the woods with no caution of making any noise. We joked and laughed loudly about how much we would enjoy killing someone. We wanted to let people know that we were coming. Did we care if they ran off? No. We'll find them eventually. The finding part was actually the fun part. It was like a wicked, grusome version of Hide-In-Seek. Us, the Careers, were the seekers and the other tributes were the hiders and our job was to find them. Our prize; to kill them. That's how this game works.  That's what we were taught to know.

After about five minutes in the woods, we finally came up to the fire. A girl with red brown curly hair was curled up on the ground, sleeping. Dirt smudged on her rosy cheeks and forehead. She looked peaceful just laying there. She was oblivious to what was about to happen to her. I scowled at her. I hoped that she was Katniss.

Cato chuckled. I looked at him to see him hand Peeta a thick sword.

"Will you do the honors, Peeta?"

Peeta looked at Cato, then looked at the sword and at the girl resting below our feet. I couldn't tell what his expression was in the firelight but he was quiet for sometime.

"Well are you?" Clove egged him on.

"Wake her up," he said with a tight voice.

Marvel grabbed his spear from his back and put the metal end in the fire. He waited for a few seconds and then put the heated part on the girl's outreached hand. Her eyes popped open, sat up fast and cradled the injured hand with her other hand.  She didn't realize that we were surrounding her at first but when she did, she let out a bloodcurdling scream. Peeta raised the sword and sliced her throat, her scream cut uruptly.  Her blood spilled on the forest floor as Peeta looked painfully away.

"Take this away," he held out the blood covered weapon. His voice was tight and quiet. Weak. He was showing weakness.  I couldn't stand it. I just want him gone.

Cato took away the swordfrom him and cleaned the blood off on a tree. I grabbed Cato by his jacket and pulled him  away from our group.

"Why don't we just kill him now?" I angrily say.

"We need him." Cato retorted back.

"I understand why we need him but he's just taking up space," I say calmly. I knew I had to take my tone down or I was going hand to hand combat with Cato and I was for sure I wouldn't win.

"We'll get of him once we find Katniss. I don't want him here more than you do."

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