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Warning: play song...Read on💚
Lunch time. I followed Minx to the cafeteria. "Hey guys!" "Hey Minx." "Entoan, this is Chilled, Nanners, Krism, and Dlive." I waved and sat next to Minx. "Dlive, you have three classes with him and Chilled, you have a class with him. So I was wondering if you could show him around a bit?" "Sure."
Dlive's POV
I looked at Entoan. He had two lip piercings and an eyebrow piercing. He had longish black hair, a band shirt, skinny jeans, and a black hoody, he was also slightly shorter than me so it made him look even cuter... WAIT WHAT?! "Dlive?" I snapped out of thought by Chilled waving his in front of my face. "You ok? You spaced on us." "I'm fine. Just thinking." "Oooohhh! About what!?" "Nothing..." "Is it a boy you like?" I punched him playfully on the shoulder. "So that's a yes?" "Maybe. I'm not sure yet." "What do you mean your not sure yet?" Nanners joined in. "It means I don't know." The two started laughing at me. "What's so funny?" Krism looked at us. "Dlive has a crush!" Krism and Minx AND Entoan, all looked at me. "What's his name?!" "Minx, why do you get so excited about this. It never happens." They're all just staring at me now, great. "Hey guys!" "Hi Smarty. Why you so late to the only time we have to talk to each other almost all day? Oh yeah and that's Entoan." "Hi, and sorry I'm late. I was on my phone during class." I'm not surprised.
Chilled's POV
"So you got in trouble, while texting your boyfriend? I'm not surprised." "Maybe..." "Yes." We started laughing. I looked at Entoan. He looked slightly confused. "Don't worry Entoan, we're not crazy... At least most of us. This is just a very gay group of high schoolers." He smiled. Oh my god. He actually smiled! "Guys! Look! It's a very rare sight of Entoan smiling! Look at it while it lasts!" That made everyone laugh.
Ring Ring
"Come on it's time for class." I pulled Entoan to science. That's the one class we have together, than Dlive gets him all to himself. I giggled at my thought. Entoan looked at me. "It's nothing."

Hai! I highly doubt anyone will read this, but if you do I promise I'll try and update every day! I have absolutely nothing to do so it should be easy! Anywhore hope you enjoy! Bai!
^~^ -Devil

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