Partner Ship

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I know what you're thinking. No they don't get together in this one it's just the chapter title. Sorry if you're disappointed in me.😖💚

Bethany (Boom bitches! Didn't expect that! Lol)
I'm really mad at the new kids friends. They beat up my brother. Why wouldn't I be mad? He came home with a black eye. "Are you ok? What happened?!" "Bethany, I'm fine. It was some of emo's friends." "I didn't know he had friends." What about school. Everyone won't think we're so threatening if he has a black eye. Venture laughed at me for being worried about him. I'm his sister, I care about him. And he probably doesn't care about me, at all.
I woke up to the sound of pots and pans being smashed together. Dlive rolled off the couch, making me laugh at him. I got, and because Minx and Krism weren't getting up, I poked them constantly. "Fuck you Entoan." I laughed and continued poking them. Eventually they still didn't wake up, so I took Chilled's pans and walked over to the girls, banging them together as hard as possible, finally waking them up. "Why the fuck are you guys so loud as soon as you wake up?" "We were bored as soon as we woke up." My pocket vibrated. I checked my phone. Again seeing a text I longed not to see. WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!? YOU'RE NOT THERE TO MAKE DINNER! THEN YOUR NOT HERE TO MAKE BREAKFAST! YOU BETTER GET YOUR LITTLE GAY ASS HOME RIGHT NOW TO MAKE ME LUNCH! I turned my phone off completely ignoring it, because I don't want the douche bag to ruin my mood. And plus if I go home, he'll torture me. "GAMES! First thing!" We all ran over Chilled's computer, again seeing who could survive longest, only this time we got a partner. Chilled and Nanners, Minx and Krism, me and Dlive. "It's Foxy! Shut the door!" I rushed over to the door shutting it just in time. "Fuck you Foxy!" I flipped off the screen. We all started laughing, then Freddy came and we died. Night 4 though, we're pretty good.

Hey... I might only do this chapter today. I have to do fifth grade shit. And I'm forcing myself not to cut... Well hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's a bit short!

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