Yes. Its an update!

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I didn't know what to name my chapter... And, I'm back!💚 now read!

Ring, ring. Why the fuck is Chilled calling me?! "Hey Dlive." "Hey. What do you want?" "Geez! You don't have to be so mean. And I was wondering if, tomorrow when you move into your apartment, Entoan can stay with you?" "Why? I mean I'm fine with it, but why?" "He doesn't want to live with his stepdad. Minx just barley saved him today, so... yeah." "Oh... Ok. I'm fine with him coming." "Cool. I'll tell him. Bye." "Bye." YES! Entoan is gonna be my roommate! Maybe... Maybe I could tell him that I like him... He'll probably reject me, but it's worth a shot... "Dinner!" And there's my mom. "Coming!"
Entoan's mom (oooo! Didn't see that coming, did ya!)
I feel terrible for not being home when Entoan got home. His friend Minx told me that his stepdad was abusing him, and he threatened to kill my son. I left early so I could go to the police office. I want to see my boy happy. Not sad and depressed like he always is. Like he has been since he was 13 years old. I can't believe his stepdad was abusing him. Such a sweet boy being hurt by such a terrible person. "Hello?" "Hello ma'am. How can I help you?"
"Hey Entoan?" "Yeah?" "I just cal-" "Don't tell me you called Dlive." "Yeah... I called Dlive. But, he said it's fine if you move in with him tomorrow." "I told you not to call him. Or tell him in general! Why? Why would you call him?" Minx walked in. "Chilled called Dlive because , Entoan, you need somewhere else to live." I sighed. Like my stepdad said, I'm a waste of space. I would just make Dlive's life harder.
"Well... Thanks? I guess..." "Your welcome." They're really good friends, but I wish they wouldn't have done that.
E. Hey Dlive.
D. Hey buddy!
E. Did Chilled call you?
D. Yeah. Why?
E. I was just wondering. Hey, promise me tomorrow if I start to be annoying, or you don't want me around, tell me.
D. You'd never get annoying. But, I promise, I guess...
E. Thanks.
D. And I'd never want you gone. Your my friend.
E. I'm glad to be your friend.
D. Can you meet me at the park?
E. Sure. Why..?
No answer. Ok, guess I'll meet him at the park. "Hey guys? I'm gonna take a walk." "Ok. Bye!" I started walking to the park. "Hey. Question, why couldn't you call me?" "Oh... Hehe... I wanted to tell you in person..." He seemed kinda nervous. "I haven't seen you act this way since I met you... Is something wrong?" "Something could be wrong after I tell you this." "What does that mean?" "I-I E-Entoan, I-I l-like y-y-you. A-a lot actually... I know I've only known you for a f-few d-days, but I r-really like you." His face was dark red. "I know. Minx and Chilled told me. And to be honest, I like you to." Somehow his face was even darker red, if that was even physically possible. And just to see if he could go darker, I kissed him. Our lips moved in sync like we'd kissed a thousand times before. I felt my face start to heat up. He hugged me and started crying, but they were tears of joy, not sadness. "Since your gonna move to the apartment with me maybe we should get some of your stuff." "Do you want to climb through a window?" "Wha- why?" "My bedroom door is locked and I can't go through the front because of my stepdad." "Ok. Let's go."
Hey! I'm back! Can you tell?! Sorry I haven't updated. I know I keep saying it, but really. I'm sorry. Hope it was worth your time. And like always hope you enjoyed!
(=\\\\=) ~Devil 💚

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