Truth or Dare

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Yep. Triple update. Happy? Hope you are. I have nothing else to do so... I'm on here... But I love it so... Well READ!
Oh no! Truth or dare? Really Minx!? "Dlive! Your first. Truth or dare?" "Truth?" "Ok... Do you have a crush on someone in this room?" "Yes... Chilled! Truth or dare?" "Dare!" I already have the perfect thing in mind... "Kiss Nanners... On the lips." His face turned dark red. He leant over to Nanners and kissed him, which made him go darker red, if that was even possible. "N-Nanners... Truth or dare?" "Dare." He was also blushing like mad. "I dare you to... Lick Krism's ear."  He did just that making her laugh in the process. "Entoan! Truth or dare!" "Dare." She went over to him and whispered something. He just shrugged and walked over to me. He sat on my lap and kissed me, and somehow he was fine, while I was blushing like crazy. He got off and sat back down.   "Minx! Truth or dare?" "Truth." "Have you had your first kiss yet?" "No." We went around the circle like that for hours. Some of the dares got sexual...
About 4 hours later we all watched a couple horror movies and some romance movies, picked by Minx. I couldn't help but notice Chilled and Nanners were cuddling. I tapped Entoan on the shoulder and pointed to them, causing him to giggle. Minx and Krism looked up and again, I pointed to Chilled and his cuddle buddy. "Aww! You two are so cute!" Chilled looked up, and rubbed the back off his neck. "Hehe... Thanks I guess... Dlive and Entoan look pretty adorable as well." I just noticed that he fell asleep cuddled into my side. He was so cute curled up like that. I can't help it anymore, I know for a fact I have a crush on Entoan. He's just so cute with his piercings and shortness. I don't know why anyone wouldn't like him...
Morning Nanners
I woke up with Chilled hugging me. I was cuddled up to him. Entoan and Dlive were cuddling, as well as Minx and Krism. Wow huge cuddle fest. I stayed snuggled up to Chilled because he was so warm, despite his nickname. I felt Chilled stir, and then wake up. "Morning." "M-morning Nanners." He got up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing four pans, handing two to me. We started banging them together waking up the others. His mom and dad were gone so we didn't have to worry about them getting mad. "Could you two maybe shut the fuck up? I'm still tired." I forgot how grumpy Minx was when she was woken up. I heard a thud, realizing that Dlive fell off the couch. We started laughing at him. All I saw behind the couch was him flipping us off, causing us to laugh even harder. I'm glad we decided to have a sleep over, it's fun. I looked at the time. It was twelve so they needed to get up anyways. Me and Chilled started taking their pillows and blankets, building a fort.
Hey! I'm back for the third time today! 😄 Hope you enjoyed and I'll post more tomorrow.
(O\\\~) -Devil💚

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