Bullies, great!

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Warning: cuts and self harm.. Read if you want...
Dlive's POV
Its time for history. I grabbed Entoan and showed him where the class was. We sat in the very back of the class. "Hey emo!" It was, of course, the one and only Venture. Entoan flipped him off looking really pissed off, because he got called an emo. "Venture, leave him alone. He's not in the mood." I could see it on his face. "Immortal! It's the new kid I was telling you about!" His brother walked over. "Why does the new kid have to be emo. I wanted someone happy that I could break." "We can still break him. Just not as much." They were talking like we weren't here. "You guys can go away now." They looked at us and smirked. "Ok then we'll leave you alone." They turned and walked to their seats.
After school
The whole crew met up after school in the parking lot. "So we agreed then, we're playing prop hunt." They all nodded. "Ok. See you tomorrow." I waved and started walking but stopped. "Hey Entoan. Want to come over to my house for a little?" "Sure." We started walking, and talking about random crap. We got to my house and went up to my room. I grabbed my laptop, Entoan grabbed his out of his backpack.
After about two hours of playing with the crew, they all left and went to do homework. "Dlive. I have a game." "What is it?" "Truth or dare." "Sure."
Entoan's POV
We started playing truth or dare, but then I got the text I didn't want to get. Get home faggot! I'm hungry and you haven't made dinner! It was my stepdad. "I'll see you tomorrow. I have to get home." "Ok. Well, bye." I left Dlive's house. On my way to hell, I got stopped. Venture and his siblings. Great! The first thing I saw as soon as I saw them was a fist in my face. "Why the hell do you hate me so much?! I deal with enough shit at home! I don't need you to make it any worse!" I got up and started to walk back home, but my jacket got pulled on. I immediately stopped. I didn't want anyone to see my cuts, and if my jacket came off it would be clear as day. "Can you move all of the sudden?" I tried to pull away but couldn't. He grabbed my sleeves and took my jacket. Fuck! I crossed my arms and started tearing up...

Hey! I know! Bad place to end the chapter. And a pretty big cliffhanger... Sorry! I'll probably have next chapter up soon.. Like today.. So just hold on...
^\\\^ ~Devil💚

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