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Here's your other update today @EntoanFan Hope you enjoy my story so far... Sorry for it being kinda depressing.. 💚
I started tearing up. Then I felt someone kick me in the stomach. Why does this always happen? "Entoan!?" I hear people yelling at me to stand up. I open my eyes to see Chilled and Nanners there. I'm still crying. "Are you ok?" I nod. "Uncross your arms please." "It's that obvious, isn't it?" Chilled nodded. I uncrossed my arms and as soon as I did, I felt someone grab them. I hiss in pain because of the new cuts I made last night. "Why?" I hear an all too familiar voice. I look up to see Dlive staring at my arms. "I- I don't want to talk about it..."
I'm scared for him. Entoan might cut too deep at one point. "How about the four of us have a sleep over? Then we can wrap up your arms and play prop hunt with Minx." "I can't." "Why?" "My stepdad will kill me if he finds I have friends. He'll say that there's no way, and if I do actually have friends they better not be boys." I was really confused at this point. Is his stepdad a homophobe or something? "He can't stop you from coming over. I'll get Minx and Krism to come over to." He nodded. I'm glad I could convince him to come. I called the girls and left Smarty alone. He's probably hanging out with his boyfriend, Max. (Sorry! Had to put Smarty and Max together!)
"You guys wanna come to my house? We're having a sleepover." "Sure. We'll be over in a bit." "Cool see you soon." I hung up and we started walking to my house. We went inside and up to my room. "So... You want to wait until the girls get here? To tell us? Because you're going to tell us so we can help." "C-can we wait..?" I nodded. I pulled him up and brought him to the bathroom so I could wrap up his arms. We heard knocking. "Come in!" It was of course the girls. "Hey guys!.." They trailed off looking at the wrap on Entoan's arm. "He'll explain. Come on." We walked upstairs. "So what happened?" They looked at me. "Go on Entoan." He sighed.
"It started when I was about thirteen. My mom got married to a douche bag and he's now my stepdad. He abuses me and threatens to kill me if I tell anyone." I feel terrible for him. He's my friend and I hate seeing people sad. He continued. "I started cutting to relieve stress. And it works. I also had no friends and always got bullied because I'm gay, and somehow people always found out. So I continued cutting and got addicted to it. My stepdad doesn't help, and neither does my mom because she doesn't know. The end..." I got up and hugged him. I feel so bad for him. I want him to have a good life. He deserves it.
Soon enough we were in a group hug. "As long as you have us you'll be fine. We can help." Later we all played FNAF on gmod, and we were seeing who survive the longest. Entoan was winning so far. "I CALL HACKS!!" "Maybe you guys are just bad at this game..." We burst end out laughing. "Anthony! Are you home?!" It was his mom. "I'm here! And I have the crew here if that's not a problem!" "Ok! Have fun!" I love how they yell to each other instead talking face to face. It's funny. "All right! I'm done with this! I've decided to play truth or dare! And everyone has to play!"
There! Double update! I might do a triple update. Hope you enjoy!
\(0///0) / ~Devil💚

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