Chapter 18

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Hello! I'm back!! Miss me?! Anywhore, I got a bracelet that might help me with little problem. You wanna know what it says? NO MORE PAIN. I feel like that'll help me a little. But just a thing, did anyone think of what Dlive was gonna do? 0\\\<



"Chilled, can we talk?" Anthony looked at me and nodded his head. I feel as though he's going to burst at some point today.

"What's up?" "You know what's up. You look like you're about to explode. You've been literally dark red all day. You sure you can wait till tomorrow?" "I'm not even sure about telling him. W-what if he hates me?"

I sighed.

"He's not gonna hate you-" "Who's not gonna hate who?" Nanners walked up behind us. "Nothing you need to worry about!"

Chilled slowly walked back to our group of friends, while Adam kept questioning me about what we were talking about.

"Pleeeaaasse!! I wanna know what you were talking about! Anthony hasn't talked to me all day! Tell Me!!" I face-palmed. "It's a surprise, damn it!! You can't know!"


"Why are they over there yelling at each other?" "Well from the looks of it," Krism spoke quietly (Did I forget to mention Krism is in this?) from behind Minx, "Adam looks hysterical and Entoan looks very pissed off. So judging by the looks of it, Adam is being annoying. Like always."

I laughed at her statement. I mean it's true! Adam is always being annoying. He can't help it though. I guess it's just part of his personality. He just really likes getting on people's nerves.

"Oh look. Chilled somehow didn't get stuck in the annoyingness of Adam! Good job buddy!" He stayed quiet. "What's wrong? You're never this quiet." "Nothing... I just- I don't know... I don't wanna talk about right know..."

Entoan walked over clearly annoyed. "Can we please drop him in an ocean, with three angry whales, that are trying to eat him?!" (References anyone?!) "No. He may be super fucking annoying, but we can't kill him. I know, too bad." He laughed. Well at least he's a little bit less pissed right now.

"Entoan!!! Tell me!!" He sighed. "Leave me the FUCK alone! I will slit your throat." That shut Adam up right away. "Jeez. I didn't know you were that annoyed..." "... I'm sorry... I'm just still not used to actually having friends..."

I chuckled. He's so bipolar. He's yelling at Adam, then all the sudden he's all sorry. He's crying waterfalls, then he's laughing his ass off.

"Well get used to it! You got friends and we're staying! Forever~"He chuckled. Again, I have the most bipolar boyfriend ever! Entoan is so fucking cute sometimes.

Le Time Skippu Cause Nothing Happened in school~

"Hey Entoan, wanna come to my house?" "Hmm? Oh yeah, sure. I'll come over." "Well then, come on!"

I grabbed his hand and dragged my lovely boyfriend to my house.

"So why did you want me to come over?"

I giggled. My parents aren't home for like another few days so, payback time.

"I told you I'd get you back... Come with me."

He was hesitant, but he followed me up to my room.

I'm warning you! This is smut! You probably cringe!

When we got up to my room, I laid Entoan on my bed. I pinned his arms above his head and kissed him.

I licked his bottom lip, but my little kitten didn't want to give me access, so I put my knee between his legs and put pressure on his crotch.

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