The Escape

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First of all. DentoanFan  you are awesome. I'm happy that you read my chapters. Didn't think anyone would. Let's get on with the chapter. (Thanks lots for what you said to me.)

It was getting close to dinner and I figured I should go home soon. "Hey guys. I need to go. My mom and dad are worried about me. See you at school." "Bye!" I left and went home. "Mom! I'm home!" "Oh thank god! We were worried about you." "I spent the night at Chilled's place. Sorry I didn't tell you." "It's ok. I'm just glad you're safe." I hugged her. I love my mom. I figured I should text Entoan, as well.
(D=Dlive E=Entoan)
D. Hey buddy
D. Entoan
D. Hey. Answer me.
E. Sorry! I was running home.
D. Why?
E. I need to see my mom before she leaves for work.
D. Oh. Ok. Well continue. I won't bother you until you want me to.
E. Bye.
I hope he gets home safe. And he better text me as soon as possible. Of course as soon as he's done talking to his mom.
So, apparently I left my house for nothing... absolutely nothing. My mom wasn't home, and my stepdad was drunk. Like always. "Faggot! That you?" I quietly crept upstairs and to my room, locking my door. "Hey bitch! Open this door! Right now!" "Why?! So you can beat me!?" "Exactly! Now, open up!" I quickly got on the group chat me and my friends made.
E. Whoever is closest please come help me.
M. I'll be right over. (Minx)
Good. Minx is coming. 5 minutes later I heard a knock on the front door. "Hello?! Anyone home?!" Minx yelled in her extremely British accent. "Who are you?!" "I'm one of Entoan's friends! He told me to meet him here! Is he home?" "Go upstairs. First door on you right." "Thanks."
Oh fuck no! Entoan can't live here. Especially since he's abused. I walked to his room. "Entoan? You there buddy?" I walked into his room. "Hey Minx." "Hey. You know... I'm sure Dlive wouldn't mind you staying at his place instead of here... No offense." "None taken. And I'm sure I'd just make life hard for him." "You know, he likes you..." His eyes went wide. "He does..?" "Yep. Why do you think he was blushing so badly when you had to kiss him?" I got up and locked his door. "What are you doing Minx?" "Well we both know how to play Gmod... Why not real life? You wouldn't happen to have a crowbar, would you?" He got up and loosened a floorboard. "Like this?" I laughed and grabbed it.  His windows were boarded up, that's why I asked for a crowbar. I started prying his windows open. "Let's go." We climbed out the window right as I heard a knock on Entoan's door, and the words, "LITTLE GIRL! ITS TIME FOR YOU TO GO!" As if I would leave my friend. Soon enough we were running to Chilled's house again. "It's nice having friends." "Well, I'm glad I can be your friend."
Knock knock. "Chilled! You home!?" "Come on in Minx." "I brought Entoan with me." "Ok. Why did you guys come back?" "His dad was gonna torture him again." "I don't know what to do about it... I mean I could call Dlive to see if he could stay with him, since he's moving to an apartment. But for now I guess you can stay here. He's moving in the building tomorrow so that's good." "Thanks Chilled." Chilled spoke again. "Entoan you do realize Dlive has a crush on you, right?"
"I figured that out when Minx came over." They both paused. "Do you like him back..?" They both questioned me. "A little..." Chilled was fist pumping, and Minx was squealing. "Why are you guys so happy?" "Because! The hole derp crew, wanted you guys to date... You two look adorable." "Yes, and so do you and Nanners, so fuck off." He turned red. "Oh yeah, Minx and Krism are probably the cutest so you can both shut up." They were both super red, and it was kinda funny. "Is this a bad time to tell him about Smarty and Max?" Chilled whispered loud enough for me to hear. I had met Max on a Skype call we had during the sleepover. "Oh. My. God! You weren't lying. This is a group a really gay teenagers." "Yep! And your part of it!" I smiled. I'm glad I'm part of their group. They're the best friends I could have. They're the only friends I've ever had.
Oh sorry did I scare you? I'm sorry if your scared. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I won't be posting again today. Sorry. I will try to post more than 1 chapter tomorrow tho!

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