Chapter 14 (dont have a title still...)

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Hello! I'm back with Dentoan! Btw, this chapter is kinda sad. And omfg! I'm listening to Cry baby writing this... 😖

"Your mom is really good at cooking." Dlive looked at me and smiled. "Glad you enjoyed." Tomorrow we move to the apartment.
Ring ring
"Hello?" "Entoan. Hone. I'm sorry if you were hanging out with your friends, but you need to come to the police station." I stayed silent for a minute. "Mom... What happened?" Dlive looked me, concern in his eyes. "You have friends that care about you. That's what happened." Damn it Minx. "C-can Dlive come with?" "Sure. Just get down here." I hung up.

"So... What's up?" I grabbed his hand and started walking to the police station, not explaining what happened. "Babe. What's going on?" "Minx told my mom. She told my mom about the abuse. About cuts, scars, and bruises!" I started tearing up. He hugged me. "Come on. Let's go. Your mom is waiting." I nodded.

I told Entoan I'd wait outside for him... Just no telling him I was calling Minx.
Ring ring
"What the fuck Minx?!" "Hello to you too. Why so angry." "You told Entoan's mom! You told her after we all promised not to tell anyone!" She sighed. "I told her because I care about him. I care about his health. He doesn't need to hurt. He already has Venture and his gang on him. He doesn't deserve that. He just doesn't." My turn to sigh. "Ok. I get your point. Sorry for freaking out on you..." "It's ok. How did he find out?" "His mom called him and told him." She laughed. "I guess you getting mad at me was karma for me breaking a promise." "Damn right it is."

I walked back in the station. Looking around to see Entoan's mom sitting in a chair crying. "H-hey Mrs. Gumm. What's wrong?" "My son doesn't want me seeing the bruises he said he has on his arms... O-or t-the c-c-cuts." "I can understand why he doesn't want you seeing them." "D-did he show you..?" "Me and friends found him on his way home... Jacket on the ground, crying, hugging himself. Hiding his cuts. Trying to hide them from our school bullies..." "Oh... My poor boy. I wish he would have told me."

Entoan walked out. Jacket on, covering his cuts and bruises. His mom hugged him. I stood up and started walking with Entoan, hand in hand, back to my house. "Do you two want a ride?" "No. But thanks mom." He hugged her again. "You two be careful." I smiled at her. "And you," she pointed at me, "don't break his heart." "I won't. Promise."
I grabbed his hand again. "Let's go." "Ok." We walked to my house again, going upstairs to my room.
Hey! I'm back! Sorry I haven't updated for a minute... I have excuses... Sorry. And sorry this chapter was kinda sad... Both my books are really sad! I don't know why I like sad things so much! I'm weird.
Anywhore! Hope you enjoyed!
(;__;)~Devil 💚💚

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