Chapter 17

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Hello! I'm back only I'm using my laptop that I just got for my birthday! I'm gonna give you guys another chapter now!



"It didn't take that long." "Says you! I'm a very out of shape man!" "You're not a man, you're a little girl." I started laughing. "You're mean!" "Sure. That's why you fell in love with me."

He joined the laughter.

"I'm tired. Come join me Dlive." We went to bed and I fell asleep as soon as possible.


I need to change that damn alarm. Dlive's still asleep somehow, huh? Well it's time to wake up.

"DLIVE!!!" He shot up. "What?! What's wrong?!" "It's time for school." "You're an asshole..." I started laughing at him.

"I know. That's why you love me." "You're right."


I wonder who's gonna try to beat my boyfriend up today, I thought to myself as me and Entoan walked to school together.

I really wanna see who Entoan's texting. He's been looking at his phone the whole walk so far.

"Who you texting?" "Chilled." He answered simply and quick. "Whatcha' talking about?" So far this conversation has not entertained me. "I was asking Chilled when he was gonna ask Nanners out." "Ooooohhh! Can you tell me what he's saying?!" He giggled. "I've said too much already... Chilled told me not to tell you... Don't tell him I told you." "I don't know... That could be payback for you scaring half to death..."

Entoan looked at m big eyed.

"Nah. I got something better..." I giggled.

"Oh god no... Knowing you it'll be either something really bad, or something really cheesy..." I laughed at him.

Oh you have no idea what I'm thinking...


(C=Chilled E=Entoan)

C; I need help

E; What is it?

I can't believe I'm about to tell Entoan...

E; Hello?

C; Do you know to ask people out?

E; It depends on the person...

C; You absolutely can NOT tell Dlive...

E; Can't promise that... But tell me!

C; Fine... It's Nanners...

He hasn't answered me yet...

E; Knowing Nanners, T or D.

C; Ok. Yeah true. You gotta bring Dlive, and you have to play too.

E; Ok. I'm good with T or D now... How 'bout tomorrow?

C; Sure... See ya at school.

E; See ya!


I found Chilled walking to school.


He quickly shut his phone off, put it in his pocket, and turned to me, face slightly red in the face.

"You okay? You're a bit red." "I'm fine..." "Ok... So do you have anything dumb for us to do today?" "Wanna just play some Gmod with the Derp Crew?" "Sure."

Time Skippuuuu dedicated to MIDORI GURINNUUUUU!!!

Mmmm, Lunch time!

For some reason Dlive's had this huge smile on his face, and Chilled's been acting differently all day...

"I feel as if there's something going on that i don't know about..." "Nope. Nothing at all..." "Chilled, that's not very convincing." "Chilled can we talk?" Entoan came over. All Chilled did was nod in response.


HEY THERE!!!!!! I'm back! Wattpad was being a dick and deleting all the stuff I was writing. But here's another chapter in this story. What do you think Dlive's planning?? Now to work on NatePat...


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