Chapter 11 - All Eyes Around

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"Hey Sora, are you alright? You seemed a little off just now." Issac suddenly asks.

"Hmm? Yeah I'm alright. Just had something on mind." Sora then says. But what he said didnt convince Issac at all.

"You sure? Is it bout what you felt just now?" Issac asks again.

"I'm sure it's nothing big as you said Issac. Trust me." Sora reassures Issac again.

"Well... If there's anything just tell me ok? I can help out too." Issac then gives Sora his confident smile.

"Yeah sure. Dont worry bout it." Sora doesnt show any emotion but Issac doesnt blame him. He knows Sora isnt very good at showing emotions to other people. Well... maybe that little kitty is different.

"Hey you guys!! We're here. Faster will you!!!" Kai then shouts at them. He was already in front of the primary section's front gate.

Again, King's School amazes people.

You may think when you walk around outside you can see the side of King's School, but that was only the front part. As you see, After the front part, there's a long way before reaching to the school. But before reaching the school there's a stop that is needed to check identification. So anyone who isnt from King's school will imediately be noticed and kicked out of the school as to assure safety.

Not only that, before we can see any structure, we'll see a lot of tall trees first then finally when you continue to walk you'll finally came in to see the school. And what amazes people the most, is how big is King's school and with it's beautiful structure and buildings.

Anyway, three of them had arrived at the primary section.

Since the shcool is really big, everyone doesnt meet each other on campus as they are all separated and one section is very large to walk bout.

So the student in the primary section wont notice a thing about out trio.

"Ah, you three must be Kai, Sora and Issac. I heard from the principal you're gonna be volunteers to help out taking care of the students. Thank you so much for helping. I dunno why lately the students are so lifeless..." The young female teacher smiled at them shyly as three of them are really attractive.

Issac smiles back and Kai same too. Sora just stays as he is.

"I see, I can't wait to help out. I really love children a lot." Issac then smiles. The teacher blushes even more.

"W-well, let me take you to them.... I'm happy that someone like you are caring for the children." The teacher takes them inside the school.

"It's our honour." Issac says. Then he bows politely.

 "Oh, anyway, I wanted to ask, lately... is there any new transfer students or new teachers?" Issac suddenly asks.

"Hmm... transfer students no... Ah but there is a new teacher. Her name is Miss Shion. But she is a good teacher. She likes to help out the students a lot." The female teacher says.

"Is that so? We'll get to meet her?" Issac continues to ask. Kai and Sora doesnt make a sound as they know Issac is trying to get some info on how is the person they should be looking for.

"Ah sure, I'll introduce you all to the teachers and tell you which class you should be going and what to do." The female teacher explains to them.

After all the introducing, the three of them are handling 3 different classes. Issac, the 2-B class students, Kai, the 1-A students and Sora the kindergardeners. Both Issac and Kai are worried bout Sora since he doesnt talk much to people. But somehow.... It was the opposite.

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