Chapter 9 - The Experiment

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Miru's phone is ringing. Miru go and answers it. 

"Hey. Don't talk too loud now." the voice on the other side says.

"Sora? Huh? What is it?" Miru hears that it's Sora's sound. She do as what Sora has told her to do.

"Just do what I say and I'll do just the rest. Take Milky and come in to Kiro's room. Don't do anything and just stand aside alright?" Sora said.

"Huh? What are you planning Sora? Then what about Milky?" Miru whispers again.

"Just do as what I told. Also what has happen today must kept a secret from the principle. Understand?" Sora's voice this time was much more colder than before. No indications of warmth but sounded more like a cold blooded animal.

"Al-alright." Miru answers him quickly. She's afraid of Sora when he talks like that.  

Sora looks out of the window. "Milky...." He calls out Milky's name.

He hopes that what he thinks now isn't something will happen later. Doing something so dangerous with an oni, although it can be used for training but definately not on MIlky.

He knows that Milky doesn't know anything bout oni nor the things bout the power they have. He just accidently being pulled along their pace only.

After that, Miru , Ginny and Milky goes into the building. As soon as they reach Kiro's lab, Miru and Ginny give excuses that they need to get something first before they go in. So Milky went inside to wait for them.

Milky opens the door and went inside. The room was dark without any lights on.

"Sora-san? Sora-san? Are you inside here Sora-san?" Milky shouts out Sora's name but there was no response at all.

"Eh...." Milky started to feel something not right. "So-Sora-san? Where are you?" Milky's sound starts to tremble. He keeps calling out Sora's name but he was nowhere to be found.

Milky walk around the lab. Sounds of dripping liquid and the water bubbling inside the glass tubes can be heard only.

Milky's hand was shaking. "Miru and Ginny should be here by now.... Where are they?" thought Milky.

Milky doesn't like the thought that he was left alone but he had no choice as Miru insisted him to stay inside the lab and wait for them. 

Milky walks around inside the lab. As he walks, he notices that something is not right. Call it a intuition or a cat's sixth sense but there was something wrong with this picture. 


A sound was heard from behind the glass tubes.

"So-Sora-san?" Milky carefully walks towards the glass tubes.

Suddenly Milky stops. He saw something glowing behind the glass tubes.

He can hear a breathing sound.

"Hu...." A deep breathing sound. Milky trembles.

"W-who... is there?" Milky asks. Then suddenly the glowing eyes moves and Milky was shocked.

"Ahhhhh!!!!!!" Milky runs away from the glowing eyes. He started crying.

Then the thing charges out from the dark.

It was the bull from before. 

It rushed towards Milky as if it was a red cape.

Milky turns aside to dodge it from rushing into him. 

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