Side Story - Little Cat Riding Hood

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There was a little cat, whose name is Milky. He was a beautiful kitten whose hair is golden yellow and ears a bit brownish in colour.

One day, Milky's mother ask him to send some food over to grandma Kai's house because she is sick.

(Kai: "Say what? Why am I the granny here!? I should be the big bad wolf or lion!!!" Sora smacks him in the head. Can we continue on? Kai:"Ughh....")

But grandma Kai lives in the forest so Milky has to go through the forest to look for grandma Kai's house.

So after Milky gets ready, he sets off to grandma Kai's house. 

Along the way, Milky was enjoying the view a lot. There was a lot of flowers and animals and most of all there is a strawberry farm where he passed by. He plucked some strawberries and ate some also. 

He then continues to journey on. 

Not long after he reached grandma's Kai house. He knocks on the door but no one was there. He then tries to knock again and notices the door is opened so he just went inside.

"H-Hello? Grandma Kai?" Milky walk inside the house. 

He noticed someone sitting by the window and thought it was Grandma Kai.

"Grandma Kai? I have brought some food and treats for you." Milky then walks nearer then notices something different.

It was another person with white hair and black coloured bangs and has wolf ears and tail.

It's a wolf.

It seems like the wolf was sitting beside the window and was sleeping.

Milky walks closer to have a clear look.

Milky was shocked to see that the wolf was a really handsome looking wolf.

The wolf has a beautiful and handsome face and his eyelashes were really long as well. Milky walks closer to have a look at him but then the wolf opens up his eye. 

The wolf has red eyes.

He was staring at Milky straight in the eyes.

MIlky felt that he was captivated by those red eyes.

The wolf sniffs at Milky.

Milky was really nervous. He doesnt know where to put his eyes at. So he just stares at the wolf in front of him. But who knows the wolf suddenly yawns.

"You have a nice smell of strawberries. Did you came from the strawberry field just now?" The wolf asks Milky.

 "Yes. Oh, I have some strawberries as well, do you want some Mr.Wolf?" Milky asks. He takes out handful of strawberries and gave them to the wolf.

"Sora." The wolf said.

"S-Sora?" Milky answers back.

"That's my name. I dont like people calling me Mr.Wolf." Sora said.

"Oh! I'm so sorry. My name is Milky Wolfield but you can call me Milky." Milky smiles at Sora.

"U-Uhmm... Sora-san? Have you seen Grandma Kai?" Milky then suddenly asks.

"You're looking for Kai? He and his buds went into town. He said he'll be busy. Better go back now. He wont be here." Sora then says.

"B-But... Mother asked me to take these basket of food for Grandma Kai to eat. He's sick now."  said the worrying kitty.

"Sick? Pffft. Yeah right. It's just his excuse for making someone cook for him. But you can put it here and go back." Sora then says laughing.

Milky stared at the laughing wolf in front of him. 

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