Chapter 5 - Howling Fire

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It was almost sunset and yet Milky isn't back yet. "Oh dear.... Milky isn't back yet. He should go back now..." Miru thought. The others were packing their things and ready to go back to the dorms alraeady. "Miru, are you alright? "  asked Isabelle. "I'm ok but I'm worried bout Milky." "He's not here?" "Yeah....  Just now some girls call him out and he hasn't come back yet." Miru is really worried bout Milky. "He'll be fine Miru. Maybe those girls are sempai who admires Milky's cuteness." "Ok..." Also it's almost night. All students must be back at the dorms before night except for the special students.

On the other side, Sora and Kai was looking high and low for the cloud monster true form. But seems like they couldn't find a thing. They meet up at one place. "Sora, I couldn't find any trace of that thing." "Same..." Sora looks up into the sky and noticed that it's almost night. The sun is setting down. "Damn!!" Sora realized he promised to take Milky back to the dorm. With that oni on the lose Sora felt like a stone has crushed his heart. "Kai!! Hurry!! Find that monster, I'll go get Milky." "Roger that!" Sora have a bad feeling. He quickly run towards Milky class.

"Umm... Sempai? Why did you call me out? Is there anything I can help you?" The girls from Sora's class called Milky out behind the classroom where it's near the forest. Nobody would go near the forest at night. "Hahahaha~~~~!!!!! So this is the little cute cat that caught Sora's eyes." One of the girls lifts up Milky's head and takes a close look. "You do look like a girl but you're not." "Huh? Sempai.... I don't understand what are you talking about...." Milky is starting to feel nervous now. He felt that the girls' eyes were very scary. "Listen up!!" -Pushes Milky towards the wall- -Milky falls down- "Ouch... Sempai... What are you doing?" Milky was really scared now. He saw their eyes were glowing in red.

Milky shivers a bit. "Leave Sora!!! You are not worthy of being with him!!!" One of the girls shouted. "Wha-?? But... I...." Milky's voice was shivering. There was something behind those girls. It was a giant oni with glowing red eyes. There was a crystal on top of it forehead. Suddenly beside there was something crawling near the oni's hand, it was the purple cloud.

It seems that this is the true form of the purple cloud monster. The giant oni's suddenly speaks. "Yes.... Give me more of your hatred!!! Give me more!!!" The monster was sucking the negative energy of the girls. If you look closer there were silver threads connected behind the girls back. The energy is flowing up through those strings. Milky was shaking. -Roars- The giant oni roars out.

Night has fallen. It was dark.

"Help!!! Someone help me!!!!" Milky was trying to call for help. But nobody was there. Everyone went back to the dorms already. "Help!!!" Milky cries out for help. -Roars- The oni roars again. "I.... I sense fear....  I like fear...." Seems like the giant oni senses something he likes from Milky. It was his fear. It slowly moves towards Milky. It stretches out its hand to grab Milky. "No....!!!! Don't come near me....!!!" Milky tries to run away but his leg wouldn't move a single muscle.

The purple cloud on the oni's hand starts to move fowards to Milky. "Fear.... I want fear..." The cloud monster surrounded Milky and tightly grabs him. The oni lifts up Milky to suck up his fear as energy. "No...!!!! SORA!!!! HELP ME!!!! SORA!!!!" Milky tears keep falling. He called out for Sora's name.

-Slashing sounds- Milky feel down of the oni's hand and he fell into something soft.  He opens up his eyes to look. It was Sora. Sora's eyes were glowing. His outfit is different from before. "Sora... hicks...." "Don't EVER TOUCH HIM!!!" Sora was full of rage. "Milky, go and hide. I'll take care of that thing." Milky was wondering why is his clothes different from before but now it's not the time to worry bout that. He quickly goes away to hide behind the bushes.

Milky stares at Sora. Both of his hands have claw like weapons and his hand was on fire. Sora was really in rage. "So, you're the true form of that cloud!" "Fear.... I want fear..." "Fear this then!!" Sora jumps up to slash the oni but seems like this was a smart oni. It use the girls from before to block him. Sora saw the girls and evades them. He lands on ground again. "Smart one." Suddenly Sora's fire turns to a more lieghter colour. You can feel it's aura changed with its. The aura of the fire feels lighter.

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