Chapter 2- Mysterious Sky

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Chapter 2- Mysterious Sky

"Have you heard?" "What? What?" "There's a new transfer student. And I hear he's cute like a girl." "Is that so?" Seems like everyone is talking about Milky already. "Alright everyone! Settle down!" "Awww man... Here comes Miss sassy tiger." "Sigh" "Alright before we start our class today, let's welcome our new transfer student. Milky Wolfield. Please come in." As soon as Milky walks in, it seems like everyone have different faces. Some happy and excited, some jealous, some sincerly wants to be friends with him and some just are love struck.

"Uhm... Good... Good Moring everyone. My name is Milky Wolfield. Please take care of me from now on." His smile was all it take. Everyone welcomes Milky like one of their own. "Please sit there at the corner beside Miru." "Yes Ma'am." "Hi~ I'm Miru. Nice to meet you Milky~" "Ello there~ Nice to meet you too Miru." Seems like Milky has make a friend.

"Ok class. That's all for today. Please go back and do some revision."  As soon as the teacher walks out of the classroom, everyone rushes over to Milky's place. "Hi~~ You're name is Milky right?" everyone seems so fond of Milky until he feels so embarassed. "Uhm... yes. Nice to meet you all." "OH MY GOD!! Your voice is soooooo cute~~~~~~ Are you really a guy??" says one of the girls. "No way, I think he's adorable."Everyone is ignoring Milky here.

"Uhm.... Miru?? Is everyone like this when there's a new student?" "Haha~ No. Because your looks are so special that everyone seems so fond of you." "Why? There's something on my face?" Milky seems so fustrated. He keeps touching his face. "Hehe. No you silly. Because you have a beautiful face. And most of the girls here are very jealous of you. I'm a bit jealous also." pouts Miru. "No... No. don't be. I'm not that beautiful at all. Please don't be jealous." "Hahaha. You're really cute Milky. I'm sure you're gonna have so many friends here. RIght, I'm gonna introduce you to some my friends here." "Ok."

"Hey girls~ Come over here~ This is the new transfer student, Milky~" there were 3 other girls sitting on the other side of the class. "Hey there~ I'm Eve. I'm half dog. This is Bella. Half sheep. And this is Jinny. She's half tiger." "Hello all. Nice to meet you. " Milky smiles. Milky's smile was so warm and beautiful, not only the guys even the girls are attracted to his smile.

"See what I mean Milky??" Milky seems to be still confused that why are they acting like this. They are all laughing until there are girls screaming outside. "OH MY GOD!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!" "It's Kai!!!!!!" "OMG~~~ He's so handsome!!!!"  Seems like there's someone special here. Kai just went into the classroom and straight to where Miru and Milky is standing.

"Hey there Miru~" "Hehe~ Hai Kai~~" Kai is a tall and handsome half lion. Quite the wild person too. "I heard your class has a new exchange student? So where is him?" "There. HIs name is Milky. " Just when Kai was about to meet the new student, here comes another centre of attraction. "Ahhhhh~~~ Sora!!!!! You're so handsome!!!!" "Would you please go out with me??" The girls seems to be more crazy bout this guy.

"Kai." Just one word from this guy, every girl's heart has melted. "Hey Sora." says Kai with a smiley face. It seems like there are friends. Milky was shocked to see it was the person who saved him this morning. -Badump- His heart was beating really fast. His face became all red and was like a tomato. Miru saw it and asked to see he was ok. "Milky?? Are you alright? Your face is so red... Do you have a fever?" Kai was wondering as well. "Are you alright?"

"Uhmm... Yes... I am... " Milky couldn't even say a complete sentence now. He could only hear his heart beating so fast and hard only. Sora took a glance at him. Milky was so red that he attracted Sora's attention as well. "I... I...." Milky was trying to say something but it seems like he so embarassed that he can't even make a sentence now.

 -strokes- Sora is stroking Milky's hair. "You have beautiful hair." Milky eyes was widened more. "Hmm... An unusual scene from Sora." Kai was shocked but then he went into deep thoughts. The other girls in the class was screaming. Some were happy and excited and some were jealous of Milky. Milky just stood there without saying anything. His face becomes more redder than before. "Hey Sora.... Man... Are you alright?" Kai was startled.

 Sora.... Sora is actually smiling!? Only Kai saw that.  "What?" Sora stares back Kai. Kai was startled again. "Ha.... No... nothing. Just asking... wanna meet the new student?"  "Who?" "In front of you. Duh." Sora's sharp stare landed on Kai again. Poor Kai. "Uhmm... E.... Ello... My name is... Ishh is.... Milky Wolfied. You can call me Milky." MIlky tried so hard to form a sentence. Somehow there's something happening up in Sora's mind now. "I'm Kai. Do you know I'm  the most famous singer in the band CLAWS? Hehe~ You must know? I'm so famous~~~~ " Kai kept saying about himself and was ignored by the others. "Sora." "Ahh... yes... Nic.... Nice to me... me... meet you." Milky tried his best to smile but he still can't take away the shyness he is having now.

Then after their short introduction the bell rings again. "Oh damnit. The bell rang. And I didn't even had the time to know u more Milky," "I'm sure next time when you meet you're gonna tell him more bout yourself won't u Kai?" Miru was saying this is a very scary tone. "Yeah sure! Why not? There's so much more to learn bout me!! Milky~~~ Be sure to join in my fan club~" Kai says with a bling on his teeth. Sora just followed behind. Again, he was such a cool and mysterious guy.

And then the class becomes normal again. Some were sleeping, some were passing out notes in the back, some were whispering in the back but Milky was different. There were something on his mind. He can only think of Sora now.... Sora, it's meaning is the sky. Then Milky just looked out to the window. The sky was a bit purple red and greyish. Seems like it's going to rain. But somehow this sky seems just like Sora. The guy he just met. . Such mysterious. Such coolness. His aura seem so different from the others.

 And Milky has fallen for this mysterious sky. He was watching out all the window all day. He liked the sky really much. He has forgotten bout all the things around him. And slowly begins something within MIlky.

 -End of chapter 2. Hope you guys like it. I know the story is quite short, i'll try my best to write it longer. Please give me review and comments to make me better in writing this story. Cheers to me.

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