Chapter 15 - The Queen

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"Here are the entrance to the sewers." Kiro said.

"Let's go in then." Sora said.

Earlier Sora had asked Issac, Kai, Haru and Haru-nee to help them. Without the extra help, they might not be able to clear up some of the bees on their wait to the entrance there.

Then all of them went inside to the sewers to find the way to the cellars. On their way to find it, it seems that there are oni lurking around it too.

"Why are there oni around here too?" Kai looks around and saw two giant bees hovering about.

"Maybe they are bodyguards? They must be guarding something around here." Kiro said.

"Either way, we have to kill it to move on." Sora said.

"I heard you. Let me do the honour then." Kai swiftly jumps out and slashes out his cross and the bees were dead on the floor.

"Done and done. Let's go." Kai said.

They continued to walk on and killed those oni that were lurking around.

After some time they've come to a spilt.

There were 3 splits each leading to different part of the building. Only one goes to the cellar.

"Is there anything you know bout this Kiro?" Sora asks.

"No, I guess we have to spilt up here and look for the right one. If anyone of us find the right we can call each other with this." Kiro then takes out his charms. He gave them each two.

"There are two charms here. One is for calling for others when you locate the cellar the other one is to transport us to the destination we want to be. Think where you want to be and tear it apart it'll take you where you want." Kiro explains the usage the charms.

"Kai and you Issac go together on the left, Haru and Haru-nee on the right. Me and Kiro in the middle." Sora then spilts up the teams.

With that decided they each went deeper into the sewers to find the cellar.

"Hey Sora, just now you and Milky, are you guys acting out a drama or what? It's not like you werent going back. Kufufufu~" Kiro suddenly says.

"You're too noisy. Shut up." Sora said glaring back at him.

"Ah, but then again, can you die or not?" Kiro asks with his sly fox face.

"It's a good thing it's only you and me here. If not I might had burn that mouth of yours." Sora said coldly.

"What's wrong with saying that? Sooner or later they'll know." Kiro said.

"Now is not the time to discuss this. Shut up and walk." Sora said looking around.

The passage way of the sewer was already nasty enough with the smell and everything and now they see slime all over the place.

"Judging from all this slime. I think we're getting close." Kiro said.

"Wait, something's not right here. I dont hear buzzing at all. And look around here all this slime. There are pods around here." Sora looks around with his flame lit on. The view was clear when he lit on his flame.

"Wow, what is all this?" Kiro looks around and looks at the pods closely.

The pods outer shell was semi transparent so they could see inside but not clearly.

"Sora, you might want to take a closer look here." Kiro signals Sora to look at the pod too.

And Sora was shocked to see what's inside the pods. Inside, were students from their school and tubes was connecting to them.

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