Luhan - That good good

22 0 0

I got that good good

I got that got that good good

I got that good good

I got that got that good good

I got that good good

I got that got that good good

I got that good good

I got that got that good good

I got that good

I got that good good

I got that good

I got that good good

I got that good

I got that good good

I got it

I got it


Tāmen hái zhàn zàiyuán dì chǎozhe shénme

They're still standing around arguing about whatever

Mereka masih berdiri disekitar perdebatan tentang apapun itu


zǎo yǐjīng gēn bù shàng wǒ de jiézòu

Already can't keep up with my flow

Sudah tak bisa tetap dengan arusku


jiù zài zhè yī miǎo kāishǐ chóngqǐ xìtǒng

At this very second start rebooting the system

Pada detik ini juga mulai memproses ulang sistim


méi yòng de chéngxù quánbù dōu qīngkōng

Cleaning out all the useless program

Membersihkan seluruh program yang tak berguna

wǒ bùxiè bǐsài

I'm not about competition

Aku bukan tentang persaingan


wǒ zhǐshì rè'ài

I just got passion

Aku hanya mendapat kegemaran


nándào shuō nǐ hái tīng bù dǒng

But you still don't get what I'm saying

Tapi kau masih tidak mengerti apa yang aku katakan


wǒ bù huì shuō bǎ shuāngshǒu fàng zài kōngzhōng

I won't tell you to put your hands in the air

Aku tidak akan menyuruhmu untuk mengangkat tangan di udara


zhǐ jiào nǐ zěnme dào wài tàikōng

Just show you how to get to the outer space

Hanya menunjukan padamu bagaimana untuk mendapat ruang yang lebih luas

I'll tell you about

Aku akan memberitahumu tentang

Sing A SongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang