Chapter 1: The starting of The Dark One's

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Chapter 1: The starting of The Dark One's

The Dark one's were created when a young girl that was alone and then wasn't alone anyone and this is her story and the history on how The Dark One's were created.

Her name was vixen. She moved to a small town called saint Charles. She was not just a normal girl. She wasn't normal at all. She was magical and she knew it. Her parent died a long time ago and she now live with people that adopted her when she was 10 now she is 16. She was in high school.

She never told her adopted parents that she was magical. She kept to herself. She felt alone, and scared. She had to hide herself from the world and everyone that thought that knew her but really didn't. That day one her first day of school she met all different people.

She made friends and later on that school year she found out all her friends have powers and were magical creatures like her and no one else knew. She gathers all her friends in the woods out of town and they used their powers to create a portal to another world.

Vixen's parents used to take her to train and practice her powers. She took all of her friends and trained them and then she said to all of them voted if they should be a group and who would be the leader. Everyone votes yes for the group and they voted for Vixen to be their leader.

Vixen called the group The Dark One's. Years later the group carried on and became bigger. Each person of the group adopted a kid that was a magical creature. Vixen took me in as her kid. I didn't call her mom, mommy, nor mother. I called her master. She showed me the ways and brought me up to be the next leader of the whole worldwide group.

Hi my name is Cynthia. I am 16 I moved to a small town and met new people that are like me. They are my head lead group they help me run the whole wide group. There is Kitten aka Kat she is the boss of herself. She is like my sister. She slaps me straight when I need it. Sierra is my hunter she patrols the areas for me. Ashlie is my gather. Grace and Bailee are my finders.

They go around the world looking for kids that are magical and need help or are alone. They all get kids that are abandoned and alone aka street kids. Our group is to help kids of all kinds to be part of the group and give them a family. Our group is not friends but a family vixen taught me that. Everyone has a place in life. Faith is my inside of the government.

She give me the latest information on what is going on in the world and if they found out about our family or our people. Nathaniel, Austin and Darren are our protectors. They guard us in this world and our world. Amber is our teacher in combat. Haley is my partner in the group when it comes to the training school.

Garrett is the spy/teacher. He teaches the people we take in to hide their powers, feelings, and what they really are. Keelie is one of the magic teachers. Autumn taught the shape shifters about magical creature and how they are created. She also taught them to shape shift. Sarah taught vampires to control their thirst and the strength and anything else they need to know

Casey also teacher's magic, and anything else they need to know. Matt teaches demons to control their power and to control themselves. Lauren teaches self-control and protection to all and everyone. Logan, he helps Cynthia find others hidden in the world or trapped and can't escapes. The last person who teaches is me I am the teacher of everything. I help out in everything and am the leader one of the groups.

My group is the strongest in the world and the strongest in The Dark One's. I am proud of them. I trust them and will do anything for them. They were there when Vixen died and left The Dark One's to me. The Elders were pissed that she left it to a child so they tested me and I over power each one with just a flick of the thinnest finger. They left it to me and I made my group and they are the leaders with me.

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