Chapter 3: Secrets Are Told

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Chapter 3: Secrets Are Told

         “Ok but please relax and clam down. I do not lie and I will not lie to you. I will tell you everything, but first tell me what you mean by that I am the same kind as you but not at the same time.” I said trying to settle my nerves.

         He just looked at me then sighs as he stood up straight.

         “What I meant by that was that I am a werewolf and I can feel you are part werewolf but you also so many other things so I don’t know what the hell you are and it confusing me.” He said to me with a blank expression.

          I stared at him blankly. The thought that went though my head at that moment was yes yes yes he is one of us. I felt so happy and excited, but I kept my cool and didn’t show any change in emotions. I took a big breath so my feeling wouldn’t show when I tell him.

 “What I am is a mix of everything. I am apart of everything known to man I am a special breed that comes long once in a great while. I am the same as my master or aka adopt mother. Hunters killed my parents. I was just a new born at the time and she saved me. She was the leader and creator of The Dark One’s. Have you ever heard of this group before?” I said to him as I moved over to him and hopped up on the counter next to him.

“I only heard story about the group, but I never thought it was real or if there were such creatures like you are real.” He said staring at me with shock.

“You bet its real and your looking at the new leader of The Dark One’s my master left to me and I made my group while I was in high school and they help me lead it if you don’t believe me I could call them up and we all can meet, but I am going to tell you this now lie or betray us I will not hesitate to kill you on the spot even if I care for you.” I said with a cold ice voice.

 He moved over to me and stood straight in front of me and grabbed my hand and came in closer to me where my face was in his face. I thought to myself for a moment. It was not fair even when I am siting up on the counter he was still fucking taller then me dam it.

“I understand I would love to met the head group. But I have one request. I want to show you that you can trust me and I want permission from your group to join you.” He said as he took my face in his hands.

I pushed him away and jumped down and grabbed my phone and texted everyone in my group saying meeting at Kat’s and mine hotel room ASP I have something to talk to you guys about. Then I put the phone back in my jean pocket and turn around and looked him straight in his eyes.

 “They should be here soon so you better be prepare for it.” I said him with blank expression.

He moved close to me and leaned down and kissed me. I could help but kiss him back and smile. I couldn’t hold back my feeling anymore. I give in I can’t hide my feeling from him. The kissed broke and he took my hands and looked straight in my eyes.

 “I will never hurt you and never leave. When I saw you at the party I was imprinted. I am bounded to you and I will never let you go.” He said to me with a sweet loving voice.

His eyes said he was speaking the truth. I didn’t know why but I just started crying and smiling. I don’t understand why am I crying when I am so happy. This is so new to me I never had anyone that wasn’t part of my group that I trusted or cared for since that time I was betrayed and I had to kill the only person I loved cause he killed my mother and betrayed the group. He put his hand on my cheek and whipped the tears away and kissed my eyes.

 “Don’t cry I will never let anything harm you again.” He said like he knew what happen to me in past.

I fall against his chest and started to cry hard and he held me tighter till I was all cried out. Went to the front room and sat on the couch and watching Dexter he had his arm around me as we watched season 7 episode 3. After the episode there was a knock on the door then I heard Kats voice.

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