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Chapter 5: Family Time

As we were heading back home I was about to turn on the radio again when I heard Amour growl but it wasn’t a normal growl that he makes it was his tummy growling telling me he was hungry. I looked over at and lifted on of my eyebrows at him and he blushed and turned away just like a shy high school in the middle of class before lunch. I laughed and sighed trying to not laugh so much so my eyes wouldn’t tear up so I could see the road.

“It looks like your hungry. I think it is about time for lunch so where do you want to go to eat for lunch.” I said smiling as I was watching the road.

 I stopped at a stop sign and look over at him waiting for answer. He was still acting all shy and not saying anything. His face was still red as he stared out the car window. I sighed and then continued driving.

“I don’t know about you but I am sure am hungry and wanting some meat so do you know any place here that cooks a good steak or something but anything but chicken I really don’t care for chicken.” I said as I turn the down the road into town.

He finally looked at me and thinking. His face was almost as red as his hair was. His blue eyes were bright cause of how red his face was. I was thinking to my say how cute he looks when he turns red or get shy so easily. He final said something took me by surprise.

“Umm there is this little place that I use to go with my big brother before he died. We will always eat there cause they always cooked the meat to the right tempter where there is a little bit of blood in the meat. I haven’t eaten there since my brother passed away.” He said as his eyes fell shut like he was remembering the moments when he ate there with his big brother before he past away.

I didn’t know why but I felt something deep in me been poke at like I could help but feel bad and sad for him. I was still driving but I didn’t care I can still drive with one hand on the wheel. I reached over with my right arm and grabbed his hand tightly as I was still driving with my left hand on the wheel.

“We don’t have to eat there if you don’t want to. It’s all up to you. I understand that its painful to do stuff that reminds you of your brother and the memory’s of him.” I said as I kept a tight grip on his hand.

He looked at me with eyes full of pain, hurt, love, and sadness. He just sat there looking at me and turn his head to look at the window. He sighed and turns back and looked at me with his red hair not in his face anymore where I could see his eyes better.

  “It’s not that it’s just really want to go. I want to go cause of the memories and the moments I had there with my brother cause they were a part of my life and still is. I just want to go cause I want to start new memory. I don’t want to start them with anyone else cause the only person I want to start them with is you and that is all I need and ill ever need.” He said to me as his eyes didn’t show no more pain, sadness, or hurt in there but only love the love that he has for me.

I couldn’t even say anything but smile at what he said to me. I never had anyone say that to me before. I didn’t know how to react to what he had said. Then he point to the road we had to turn on and he just stared at me all the way to the restaurant. I couldn’t but blush from him staring at me. He never took his eyes of me I felt so weird. I was all choked up with emotions that I could even tell stop staring at me like that or even turn on the radio to make where I couldn’t feel his eyes on me anymore,

 But I didn’t I mean like I couldn’t it was like I didn’t want to not feel him stare at me it was like, I wanted him to keep staring cause it made me feel like I was his everything and I was perfect like, the way I have never felt in my whole life, cause my mother always told me no one perfect, so don’t go changing yourself for one that isn’t willing to change for you or to make a effort to be in your life and fight by your side forever. That’s what I all ways thought why my mother never married or had kids cause it would be to much pain to watch them leave cause they couldn’t take it.

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