Chapter 11

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"Natalie, wake up!" I jump up from my bed, completely startled. "I just got back from the date."

"Georgie, what the hell?! What time is it that it's still dark out?"

"Oh, it's just 11:37. Now, can I tell you what happened?" I glance at my bright phone screen in shock.

"I bet Sherry gave you a long speech about making it home before bedtime," I say in a humorous tone. There wasn't ever a time Sherry let me go upstairs without one of her talks.

"Actually, I told her there was an accident and that's why I made it later than expected." I give him a quick glare before rolling my eyes. He always gets away with things so easily. "Anyways, Cathy looked so beautiful tonight! Not that she doesn't look beautiful everyday, but she looked extra beautiful-"

"Okay, I get it! Just get to the point. Did she say yes?"

"Obviously she said yes. She said that the entire night was magically romantic. That what I did, with your help, was the cutest thing anyone has ever done for her." I start to feel a bit sad that no one has ever done anything sweet for me. Sure, Derek did a couple of things, but it was all part of Palmer's plan so it doesn't count. "You okay? You seem distracted."

"Yeah, everything's fine. I was trying to remember if I had any homework for this weekend," I lie with a small laugh.

"Oh, alright. I'm gonna let you get back to sleep since you have to take the twins to soccer practice real early. Goodnight Nat," he says quietly as he makes his way out the door.

He gives me a wave and closes the door, leaving me alone with my deep thoughts.


"You have everything you need?" I ask the girls once I turn the engine on so I don't have to drive all the way back because they forgot their uniforms or something.

"Um, I think so? Sylvia, you got the cleats, right? Because I don't want Coach Peters to make us wear our shoes again. It took forever to get all the grass stains off-"

"Yup. We're good to go! C'mon Natalie, let's go!" Sylvia yells impatiently. I chuckle before exiting the driveway.

"I'm still surprised you're playing soccer this year, Sarah. Sylvia tried convincing you to play for years, until now. What changed your mind?"

"I just noticed how good I am at it, and thought I'd try it this year." Sylvia laughs sarcastically, causing me to glance at her in the rearview mirror.

"Yeah, that's totally the reason! You sure it has nothing to do with Kyle joining the boys' soccer team?" My jaw drops, and I can't help but stare back at Sarah.

"Shut up, Sylvia! You know I'm really good at soccer. Kyle has nothing to do with this," Sarah claims in a quieter tone.

"Oh, come on! You've had a crush on Kyle since we were in diapers! When are you going to tell him how you feel?"

"The day he tells me he likes me, then I will say I like him too. Other than that, I will stay quiet." Sylvia scoffs at Sarah's words. I honestly won't say anything, because I am the last person who can give boy advice. Somehow I give good dating advice to my brothers, though.

We get to the school's parking lot in silence. I notice Sam and Kyle are entering the soccer field, so I honk to get their attention.

"NAT!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Sarah yells at the top of her lungs, causing me to jump in my seat. Sylvia and I get out of the car to meet up with Sam, unlike Sarah.

"Hey Vee. You ready for practice?" Kyle asks Sylvia as she drags her duffel bag in annoyance. "Whoa, let me help you with that."

"Uh no, I think I got it. You can ask Sarah if she needs help since she's still in the car," Sylvia adds with a smirk. Kyle nods, and heads towards the car.

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