Chapter 5

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"Come on, Natalie!" I hear my dad turn off my alarm and call me. I turn to my clock and see it's five thirty. I only slept two hours? Great...

"Alright, Dad." I get up feeling lazy and weak. This is what being nice to people leads to. My advice? Don't be nice to people all the time. You need to also think about yourself. 

I, sort of, walk to my closet and grab whatever feels soft for today. This sweater seems nice. I'll wear a tank top with this sweater and fall asleep on these soft sleeves. Yes...

"Nat?" Sarah says after knocking outside my door. I open the door and let her walk inside.

"What can I do for you?" I ask while grabbing a pair of blue jeans. Hmm I should wear my red converse that match this tank top.

"Do you uh have any red lipstick?" She shifts around looking at the ground. Ha that rhymes! Wait, she wants lipstick?!

"What for?" I ask her slowly. She sighs and looks at me awkwardly. Ahh I get it.

"You want red or pink?"

"Red! I'm wearing my red polka dot dress today," she replies with a smile.

"So is there a special occasion or is my sister trying to impress a certain someone?" I ask lifting my eyebrows and winking at her. What's the date again? October 10? Nope. Nothing special going on that I know of.

"It's just a good Thursday?" she replies looking around the room. She's such a terrible liar just like Georgie.

"Is it Kyle's birthday today?" I ask curiously. That would explain her trying to look good.

"What? No. His birthday is on September the twenty-two." I laugh hearing that she, in fact, knows his birthday. "Why are you laughing?"

"Oh, nothing. You and Sylvia are just complete opposites," I lie. I mean, they are indeed complete opposites, but I lied about why I was laughing.

"That's what we always say! I'm going to go get ready before the weirdos wake up." I smile at her before she exits my room. She's all grown up now. They all grow up too fast.

Now I need to get dressed and ready for a busy day to try and stay awake.


"Whoa, what happened to you?" Sam asks me once I enter the hallway. Glad to know I look like a wreck.

"I slept late. How much time do we have until the bell?" I ask before yawning and opening my locker.

"Eh about six minutes. You got enough time," she says smiling at her watch.

"We didn't have homework for Croe yesterday, right?" I ask tiredly.

"She kicked us out, remember?" Ah, yes. My memory is back now.

"Yeah, okay. Well, let's head on to her class before the bell rings again." She nods quickly and we pace down the hallway.

The classroom is surprisingly empty. The good thing is that we get to choose the good seats this time.

"Girls, I'm glad you decided to come early this time," Mrs. Croe says as we take our seats. I nod arrogantly even though she isn't looking at us.

Minutes pass by and people start to get to class. I nearly fall off my seat at Sam's sudden shove.

"What the-" I look up to see Lucas looking at us. Well isn't it my lucky day? Hence the sarcasm.

"So, I'm assuming you want me to sit here?" he says exchanging glances between the teacher and us.

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