Chapter 12

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"Our first game is next week," Sarah informs me while we wait for Sylvia in the car. "I know I shouldn't be nervous, but we're going to play in front of the whole school! And I don't think I'm good at soccer."

"What? Why do you say that? Earlier this morning you said you were great at soccer, so what made you change your mind?"

"No one in the team talks to me. Sylvia talks to me every now and then, but she talks to everyone else. I don't think I'm gonna play anymore."

"If you don't like playing, then maybe it would be best if you got out. You have to do what you love," I say honestly. Sylvia has always been the sporty and artistic one. Sarah is more into singing and acting.

"But-" I look over at her wondering why she stopped talking. I follow her gaze and see Kyle walking with Sylvia.

"Aw, Sarah-"

"It's okay. They're just friends," she says casually.

"Bye Vee!" Kyle waves at her and runs to Sam across the parking lot.

"Okay, let's go home." Sylvia nods tiredly. Sarah stares outside the window, probably still thinking about quitting soccer.


The whole ride home was dead silent, besides the radio playing.

"How was practice, girls?" Sherry asks once we walk through the door. Sarah rushes upstairs to her room, while Sylvia tells Sherry all about practice. She's been in love with soccer since she was 2 years old. It just came naturally to her.

"Is Georgie home?" Sherry looks over at me and points to the kitchen.


"What's up?" he says with a sandwich in his hand.

"I was wondering if you and Max were planning on going to a party tonight. Because if not, I was hoping we could watch a movie or binge watch a TV show together."

"Hm, Max said he was going out, but I'm staying in. I'd rather video chat with-" he stops to check if Sherry is listening to our conversation. "­Cathy."

"You don't want to watch a movie with me?" I say in a fake pouty tone.

"What? No! I meant, I'd rather video chat with her than go to a party. Sure, we can watch a movie. Just one though," he adds with a wink.

He's obviously really into Cathy, which is great! I just hope she doesn't hurt him in any way. Sorry for kind of sounding pessimistic, but I'm just trying to be realistic.

"So, what movie are we watching tonight?" I ask in attempt to change the subject.

"Jupiter Ascending looks pretty good." I scoff at Georgie's movie choice.

"Anything besides romance? I was kind of leaning towards watching a comedy movie tonight."

"That works for me. You can choose.. this time!" He lightly pushes me while smirking. "Just let me go upstairs and grab my phone. Oh, and we are getting pizza tonight!"

"With stuffed crust?" He nods with a wide grin on his face before running upstairs.

And this is a great way to start the afternoon!


Sam's POV

"No, I promise I'll make it back home sober. I don't drink, Dad." He always has to give me this lecture when I'm going out. Regardless of where I'm even going, which right now, he thinks I'm going to hang out at Natalie's house.

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