Chapter 4

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"So that's it? It's that simple?!" Georgie asks after I explained to him how he can ask out Catherine.

"Yes, it is. I told you! You just have to brainstorm and know what the girl wants. It's not as hard as you guys think it is," I respond honestly. Most guys aren't very creative when it comes to girls. They need a little help from someone (that needs to be a girl). Whether it's a friend, sister, or their mom. 

"Well then, thanks Nat! I'll go to the store and buy the supplies and what not." He gives me a quick hug before grabbing his wallet and shoes.

"So am I going to watch The Vow by myself then?" I ask with a frown.

"Get the twins or Max to watch it with you!" he yells from the living room. I go to the doorway so I can yell back.

"They aren't into these kind of movies and you know it!" He laughs and closes the door. I guess I'll watch it by myself then.

First, let me go make some popcorn to fit the cinematic mood. Then, I'll get some M&M's so it's like I'm really at the theater, only without paying the huge amount of money. Movie theaters have outrageous prices, and don't deny it.

Once the popcorn is out, I rush upstairs and press play on the movie.


"I see the way you look at him. I know, because you used to look at me that way," Leo tells Paige. I start sobbing out loud grabbing a tissue. Poor Leo! It's not his fault Paige lost her memory and doesn't remember him. She should give him a chance!

"Goddamn you, Paige!! Show the guy some love!!" I yell at the screen. If I woke up to Channing Tatum telling me we're married, I would not question him!

"Are you okay?" I jump at the sound of Sherry coming from the door. I'm still in Georgie's room because I was too lazy to take off the movie and go to my own room.

"Yeah, Sherry. I was just yelling at Paige because she's being such a-" I point to the television and she sits down next to me and cuts me off.

"Language," she says. I look her straight in the eyes as I finish my sentence.

"Lame butthole." I look back at the screen to see Leo walking away. No!

"Well, it's almost time for dinner so I suggest you finish off the movie or something," Sherry says. Finish it off? It still has about thirty minutes left.

"Uhh yeah, sure. I'll be down later." She walks out making me let out a sigh of relief. I'm not used to Sherry always walking in my room (or wherever I'm at) and tries to bond with me. It's just not like how she normally is. I'm surprised she wasn't in the living room earlier when the boys were fighting for the chips. She probably was with Sylvia in her room avoiding the fight I ended up fixing.

I tune back to the movie. How can they live their lives normally without each other? I will never understand how people that are so in love can do that. I mean, sure, she lost her memory. However, he still is deeply in love with her. It's just too depressing. Especially when I'm by myself. I don't have someone here to tell me otherwise.

The door opens and Georgie rushes inside with four Walmart bags. He's somewhat breathless, for some reason.

"What happened to you?" I finally ask. He sets the bags down next to me and sits down on the floor.

"Aunt Sherry was in the living room when I walked in. She was about to 'interrogate' me and I am not fixing to tell her about Cathy after what happened with Lisa." He shakes his head at the memory of what Sherry did.

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