Chapter 16

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"I don't get what's so important you want to talk after school. Knowing we have yearbook together and all," Lucas exclaims as soon as the bell rings for our last class period to begin. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't think I'd see him here because of the fight he had earlier.

"In my defense, I thought you'd get suspended for the day or something due to the fight." I put my hands up with a shrug. I'm not sure how to even start this conversation with him. What do I even say?

"Nah, my uncle wants me to do better. Getting me out of school wouldn't help with that. He did, however, give me a warning. If I get into another fight, he'll tell my father to take away my bike!"

"Well, that's your fault for picking fights with people. Especially over someone you don't even know," I sort of whisper the last sentence to myself, but I have a feeling he heard me.

"You wouldn't understand. So just drop it. If that's the reason you want to talk to me after school, then forget it. I have to go to work, anyways." I turn around to respond back to Lucas, but he was already taking his seat on the other side of the room. I need a second opinion on what to do.

Hey something happened and I don't really know what action to take

Hopefully Sam isn't too busy with athletics right now to reply.

"Okay, everyone, today we're going to just work on the computers. No pictures to take, for now." Some students groan since the reason they signed up for this class was to take pictures. "Don't worry. After Homecoming, there will be many opportunities for you to take pictures. Now, get to work."

I forgot to check out how the Homecoming page looks after Lucas was forcing me to get off the other day. I click on the page, but it says someone else is on it. I can't even see it! I guess I'll go check with Lucas if he's on it.

"Hey, are you on the-" I don't even get to finish the sentence once I see how great the page looks on Lucas' screen.

"The Homecoming page? Yes, almost done." I nod slowly as I look at every detail on the page. The color scheme is better than my basic black and white. He added beautiful designs to take up the blank spaces and also made room for text boxes and the pictures, once Homecoming comes.

"That's honestly really good," I admit to Lucas. I can see him smirking, but I don't care right now. I would have never thought he was good at this. He seems like the type who lays back and doesn't care about anything or anyone.

"Why, thank you. That's the first time you compliment me!"

"Don't get used to it," I slightly advise him. I look at the empty seat next to him, and decide to sit down.

"Uh, I didn't say you could take that seat." Lucas tries to sound mean, but he doesn't make any type of effort to stop me from sitting down.

"Can I tell you something?"

"I don't think I have a choice. If I said no, you'd still say whatever it is you want to say. So, instead of asking or announcing that you're gonna say something, just go ahead and say it. Geez," Lucas says in frustration. Why is he so frustrated at me asking if I can say something to him? Dang.

"Okay? Well, Derek told me you two got into that fight over me. Not Palmer. I swear I don't-"

"Yes. It was about you. Is that it?" he confesses which caught me by surprise. I didn't know how this conversation was going to go, but I didn't think he'd admit it so quickly.

"Then why did you tell everyone a whole different story?"

"Really? You want me to tell my uncle that I fought him because of what he did to you last summer? I highly doubt you want any adults talking about your personal life." Lucas makes a valid point, but this just confirms my suspicions about the laptop!

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