Chapter 9

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I wake up by my phone buzzing. It's 3 a.m. This better be something important enough to wake me up at this time.

I glance at my phone's screen and see an unknown number is calling me. Should I even answer?

"Hello?" I say tiredly through the phone.

"Natalie?" it's a guy's voice. I can't tell who, but it's a guy.

"Um, yes. Who's this?"

"Listen, I want to be clear on one thing before you assume something happened tonight." I widen my eyes when I realize it's Lucas. "The reason I was acting flirtatious and somewhat nice to you was because of what we were talking about. I understood what you felt and what you were saying. But that's it. So before you think anything stupid, know that I couldn't care less about you romantically."

"Um, I didn't-" I hear him hang up and I roll my eyes. Well, that was a waste of my time. Now I can gladly go back to sleep.


"So, that almost-but-not-quite kiss didn't mean anything?" Sam asks once I finished explaining what happened last night. I had texted her saying I had to tell her something about last night, and she thought I was going to confess that something actually did happen. She ended up frowning once I told her it wasn't what she was expecting.

"Of course it didn't! I'm sort of glad he called me to make sure I understood what he did. But how did he get my number, is the question." She looks away confirming my suspicions that she was the one who gave him my number.

"I have no idea. You should be more careful on who you give your number to," she says quietly. I roll my eyes at her comment as we enter math class.

"I should have known it was you." I sit down in my seat then put my head down on the desk.

"I thought he wanted to confess his undying-" Sam quickly changes the topic, giving me the impression that Lucas just walked through the door. "The Vampire Diaries was so good last night. I swear, you need to watch it!"

"I haven't even seen the entire first season," I respond with a laugh.

"Anyway, good morning Lucas!" She pokes his back causing him to jump slightly.

"Yeah, morning." He places a stack of cash on my desk before turning back to face the front of the class.

"Uh thanks," I mutter before putting the money in my bag.

"My father told me he needs you to babysit today for just two hours. From five to seven, if you don't mind." I nod slowly, wondering if anything else is happening today. Well, Georgie is going on a date with Catherine so I'll ask him once he gets back from that tonight.

"Alright, sure."

"Good morning class," Mrs. Croe says once the bell rings. No one says anything, causing her to glare at each and every one of us. "I said good morning class."

"Good morning Mrs. Croe!"


This is hell.


"So, nothing?" Sam asks, once again.

"Nope. Go fish," I say with a smile. We would be the ones to play Go Fish in the middle of lunch. "Today is such a great day."

"Why do you say that? Because Lucas isn't here?" She looks around cautiously before continuing. "You know, he's in lunch detention right now. Apparently he won't join us for lunch all next week either."

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