Chapter 3

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After Sam ate all of her tacos and bought an Oreo Shake, we drove home.

"Why are you so quiet now? Did I do something?" she asks after five minutes of complete silence.

"You didn't do anything. It just annoys me how Lucas can be such a nice guy with Mathew and you, but with me he's a total douche," I confide in my best friend.

"Oh, come on! I actually think he's just trying to be friends with you, but you won't let him." I scoff at her hilarious response.

"That's pretty funny, Sam. Lucas wanting to be my friend? Ha! He totally shows it," I say and roll my eyes. He better not be in any of my classes or I will completely hate school again.

"You never know what people really want." Like hell he'd want me in his social meter. "Plus, you can't judge a book by its cover. You told me that."

"Yeah, I know. He just gives me a headache-"

"Turn left, Nat!" I turn left quickly before I pass her street. See? Even thinking about him and I being friends nearly gets me killed!

"Well, thanks for the food! I'm paying tomorrow's though, don't worry. Bye!" Sam shouts as she walks to her front door. I've always liked her house. For some reason it seems way more comfortable than mine. Then again it could be that she only has one younger brother and my house has four other siblings.

The drive to my house was better than I expected. I listened to my favorite album by Ed Sheeran and the other by Bruno Mars. They both are the best singers that I know of.

"Naty! Naty! Naty!" I hear Sarah calling me from the porch. I turn off the car and get off to handle whatever my family has in store for me today.

"What's up, Sarah?" I ask trying to calm her down a bit.

"Max and Georgie are arguing and they have said a lot of bad words," she says much more calmer than before. So they said bad words in front of Sarah and Sylvia? That's it!

I walk inside and hear the guys arguing in the kitchen. I bet they're arguing about food.

"I told aunt Sherry to buy me one big bag of Doritos for me only!" Max yells yanking the bag from Georgie's grasp.

"Yeah? Well I told her to buy chips and these are the ones she bought for all of us!" Georgie says yanking back the bag. These two are seriously acting as if they can't go to the store and buy another damn bag.

"You go upstairs and play. I'll handle these two," I tell Sarah with a wink. She nods and heads upstairs.

"Alright, what the heck is going on?" I ask as if I didn't know the situation already.

"He wants to eat my Doritos!" Max responds as he yanks the Doritos again.

"No. Max, here, is a selfish asshole who doesn't want to share the damn bag with everyone else," Georgie says and takes the bag away from Max.

"Okay, you know what? Why don't I take the bag and eat the Doritos myself. Then I'll go out and buy you both a big bag. Does that sound like a plan to you?" I ask while grabbing the bag anyways. They're bound to agree. They always do.

"Fine. But bring me Cool Ranch ones," Georgie says. I nod as I walk back to the door I just came through.

"And for me some Spicy Sweet Chili!" Max yells before I close the door. Why am I such a nice person? Oh, yeah. It's because I get to eat these Nacho Cheese Doritos all by myself.


The song "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran has been in my head all week. I take out my phone and earphones once I park outside of Walmart.

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