Chapter 18

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Lucas? He was the one who took my laptop?

I knew it!

I swear I had a feeling he had taken it! Things just made sense because he was at the mall when I 'lost' it. Then all these things started happening after he got my laptop.

Oh my god! He's the one who signed me up to audition for the musical! He must have read everything I had written on there.


If he read everything, why is he dating Palmer?

Oh, no.

Lucas' POV

Ur telling me u still havent bought ur suit for homecoming?? Y not

Ugh, Palmer is so annoying sometimes. Well, all the time, actually.

haven't gotten around to it. been busy with work and yearbook

I mean, it's true. I don't have time to be doing all these extra things for her.

U better buy it tmrw or else im finding another date!!

It'll be harder to find another date the exact same day of Homecoming. I'll just have to drag this on a bit more.

fine bye

"Everything alright, son?" I'm slightly startled by my father in the doorway of my room. Doesn't he knock? Or make any noise when he walks?

"Yeah, all good. You heading out somewhere tonight?" I curiously ask. I know it's a Thursday, but he has random plans every once in a while.

"No, no. I'm staying in with my boys tonight. Your grandmother told me to spend more time with you two before time passes us by." When he went out of town a few weeks ago, he had to visit my grandmother because she felt sick. Gladly, it was just a common cold. Of course, he thought she had the flu or something worse and flew out there to see her.

"Oh, is Katy okay with that?"

"She has to be. She knows my kiddos come first." Yeah, sure. I won't argue with him right now just because he's in a really good mood.

"I was thinking we could-" he stops talking once we hear the doorbell ring. I knew Katy would show up and ruin whatever we were going to do tonight.

"I'll get it!" David yells while running downstairs. Compared to my father's Prius-like footsteps, David sounds like an elephant running all over the place. "Natalie!!"

Natalie? What is she doing here?

"Hey, David! I missed you, too. Is your brother home? I mean, I see his motorcycle is out front, but just asking in case he went somewhere or something." Why does she sound like she feels really uncomfortable right now?

"Yeah, I'm here," I say as I walk downstairs. I make eye contact with her, and she instantly starts blushing. She hasn't blushed like that in a while. "Why are you here?"

"Can I please talk to you outside?" Please?

"Sure. David, go back inside and finish your homework," I instruct before closing the front door behind me.

"Why, Lucas?" she asks with her arms crossed over her chest. Great! Sam told her, huh? I knew she would tell her before Homecoming.

"Why what?" I'll act like I don't know what she's talking about, in case she's talking about something completely different.

"Why did you take my laptop? Why did you read my diary? Why did you sign me up for the audition? Why are you dating Palmer?" Yeah, she knows everything. No point in denying it anymore.

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