Chapter 15

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"BREAK IT UP!" Sam and I jump from our seats. What's going on? I look around and see everyone is running towards the doors on the other side of the cafeteria.

"Sounds like someone's fighting. Wanna go see?" Sam asks as she stands up to throw away her trash.

"Not really? But I can tell you want to go, so go. I'll meet you in Cortes' class!" She agrees, and runs off with the crowd. There hasn't been a fight in this school in a long time. But I'm not really into all that drama. Sam, on the other hand, wouldn't miss it for the world!


The bell rang, and I'm still the only one in the classroom. What the heck happened out there? Should I go check the halls?

Just as I stood up, all the students started entering the classroom. Sam at the end, but pushing everyone to get to me.

"Nat! Oh my god! You're not gonna believe what just happened! It was-"

"Super dramatic? I know. I seemed to be the only one who didn't care and went straight to class. I was literally about to go check the hallways if anyone was coming in here." Sam shakes her head with a straight face. She looks seriously shocked. "What? Spit it out."

"Alright, class, settle down. I don't wanna hear a peep from any of you for being late to my class. This has never happened before. All of you, except Natalie, were four minutes late! One more minute, and I would have sent my entire class to the principal's office!" I look around the classroom and see we're all with wide eyes looking at each other. Mr. Cortes is one of the most laid back and fun teachers. We've never heard him yell at a student, let alone send one to the principal's office.

I can't help but notice Lucas didn't come to class. Wait, does that mean-

"Nat, it was Lucas and Derek!" Sam whispers rather loudly. A few people look back wondering why we're talking about the fight after Mr. Cortes just said he didn't want to hear anyone talking.

"Samantha, go to the office." She looks at him with worry in her eyes. "Now!"

"I'll text you," she whispers quieter so no one hears her. I'm still in shock over what's going on right now. What the heck is going on? First my laptop goes missing, next Lucas is hanging around with Palmer, then I'm signed up to audition for the musical, and now Lucas fights Derek?

Sam what did you see?

Yes, I was eager to know. Don't judge me. This looks like it involves me. Deeply.

Well, when I got there all I saw were punches being thrown by Lucas. Derek was on the ground! Someone said they heard them arguing first, and then Lucas just punched him in the jaw! Girl text him. Better yet, let me go to the office and see what's going on there. I'll let you know!

She really typed that fast. She must really be rushing to get to the office right now.

"Now, the rest of you will do the assignment on the board. When you're done, turn it in and you'll grab the next worksheet from me up here." Another history prompt to write. He should have been an English teacher instead.

Everyone here got scared of Cortes after he sent you to the office

No one is even whispering. This place has never been this quiet. I know I turned in the other worksheet he's handing out, so I'll write this assignment and then ask to go to the library.

Girl I'm scared too :( I didn't think he was actually going to send me here. Btw Lucas is in the office with Jennings! Derek is in the nurse's office. Really beat up

Love, NatalieWhere stories live. Discover now