Chapter 17

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Natalie's POV

"I'm so hurt you didn't call me after your date last night," I admit to Sam while I'm picking up my books from my locker before first period starts.

"Sorry, Nat. I just, uh, was really tired and sleepy once I got home. Plus, I thought you'd be asleep after 11 pm?"

"I was, but that doesn't matter. I'd wake up if you called me! So, how did it go?" Sam instantly puts a huge smile on her face. That answers my question.

"Mathew was super sweet the entire date! And he was dressed so formal. He took me to this Italian place that was really fancy. I felt underdressed with my crop top and skinny jeans, but we still had an amazing time. And we saw a horror movie too, but guess what? I didn't laugh the whole movie. It was actually scary and I would jump into his arms. I think he liked that, to be honest." I can see Sam's cheeks start to blush. That's cute. I'm glad they had a great time last night.

"Well, I'm happy for you two. Truly. You've been crushing on him since we went to his job in May! So, of course it was bound to happen. Now, let's get to class," I urge as I close my locker.

"Have you talked to Lucas?"

"Not really. Why are you asking?" I mean, she's either asking because she wants him to or she knows he's going to.

"Just wondering. You usually have something new to say about him." We walk into class and I see Lucas kissing Palmer. I don't know why it surprises me this much, but I feel like my feet suddenly were glued to the floor because I can't move.

"Natalie? Come on," Sam whispers while tugging my arm. Luckily, she was able to pull me back to reality and helped me walk to my seat. "You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe the fact that you saw them kissing and were standing there like you saw a ghost. Everyone was staring at you for a few seconds until I went to get you. So I'll ask again, are you okay?" she asks with concern all over her face.

"I was just shocked, is all. We just have to get used to them being together, huh?" Sam nods with a sympathetic smile.

"Trust me. If you focus on the musical and on school, time will go by fast. You just watch!"


"I can't believe the musical is in three days! It's crazy how fast time went by," I tell Sam as I take her home. We haven't been going to our usual restaurant after school since she started dating Mathew. They've been getting closer these past couple of weeks, which means I don't see much of her anymore. I don't mind, though. I've been busy with the musical, anyways.

"I know! I'm so excited for you! I already got Mathew to call in sick that day so he can go with me and Lucas."

"Oh, Lucas said he was going?" Honestly, I haven't talked much to Lucas after the day he fought Derek. I mean, he has spoken to me a few times, but just about school or just to socialize with Sam and I. Plus, after he finished having lunch detention, he started sitting with Palmer at lunch.

"Yeah, he said he wants to know what all the buzz is about. Palmer told him she wasn't going since she isn't in the show. She kind of forbid him to go, but you know Lucas. He does what he wants," Sam adds before laughing to herself awkwardly. That was weird.

"Oh, cool." Not really sure what else to say, so I'll just change the subject. "You seeing Mathew today?"

"No, but we have a lot of homework to do and I'm also almost done with our twin outfits for next Tuesday!" Sam answers with excitement. I forgot she was working on our outfits for Twin Tuesday. She told me two weeks ago she bought shirts and pants, but was adding cute designs on them. I hope it's not something too dressy.

Love, NatalieWhere stories live. Discover now