Chapter Two

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Emilia came up to me. She had a worried look on her face. "What's wrong, Lex?"

"The new hot teacher, Mr. Morgan made me stay after class,"

Emilia had a grin on her face. "Well, did anything happen?"

"Emilia! No!" Why would she even think that? That would be illegal if I was to do anything with my teacher. "I-We didn't do anything."

"Did you think about doing something?" Emilia was always so nosy, and dirty.

"No! God." I sighed.

"Well what happened than?" Emilia crossed her arms.

"Milia, if you had shut up you would have known. He's just dominate. He told me that the next time I don't pay attention in class, there will be consequences."

"Oh! What kind of consequences?" Emilia laughed.

"Emilia!" Seriously?

"What? I just want to know what kind of consequences. Dirty ones?"

I felt my cheeks warm, I knew I was blushing. "He's a teacher," I whisper yelled at her.

"Yeah? Honestly? What is your point? He's hot isn't he?" Oh, Emilia. You never see the point in anything. You always find a way around every little thing.

I blushed more. "Yes,"

She squealed. "Does my bestie finally have a crush?!"

"No. God. Shut up, Emilia. I don't. I find him attractive and that's it." I groaned. She always had to say every single thought she had.

"Mhm. Keep telling your self that, Alexa." Emilia crossed her arms over her chest.

"Seriously? He called me Alexa too." No one ever called me Alexa. My parents when they were mad, Emilia when she was serious, and now Mr. Morgan.

"Interesting. Lets go. We're going to get StarBucks." Emilia took my hand and led me out of the school to her car. We got in and she drove to StarBucks.

After getting our frapachinos we went back to the school.

"So, do you like so have a think for Mr. Morgan?" Emilia grinned. She was always the dirty one.

"No, Milia!"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Well come on, Lex! I mean if he is as hot as your say, you gotta have a thing for that man!"

"Yeah well I don't. I'm not like you." I crossed my arms.

"You mean you're not like everyone else." She reminded me. I mean she was right. I was different from most of the girls at our school. They all had boyfriends, I didn't. They all drank, partied, and had sex. I didn't.

"There is nothing wrong with the way I am." I giggled.

Emilia laughed. "Of course there isn't."

The bell rang through the school. Emilia and I looked at each other, letting out sighs from both of us. "See you later," I told her as I gave her a hug then headed off to English.

Sitting down where I was last period, my eyes were on Mr. Morgan. I honestly have to say: he was good looking.

After writing done who was he and who wasn't he walked up to the front of the class, "Good afternoon," He said as had his back to us while writing on the board. "We'll be starting a book today. The book is called The Great Gatsby." Mr. Morgan put the cap back on the marker and turned to face us. "Now before you all go and say it's such an old book, why can't we watch the movie? My answer to that is; because it's my class, and because the book is 99% better than the movie. In this case it is." He went around handing out copies of The Great Gatsby."

"I have my own," I said quietly before he gave me a copy of the book. He nodded slightly, he was even surprised maybe.

"After we have read the book we will be watching two of the few movies adapted from this book. The 1974 version," He held up a DVD of the old 1974 version of The Great Gatsby, than emptied that hand and replaced the missing movie with the Leonardo DiCaprio Great Gatsby movie. "And the 2013 version. Each movie will have a one page write up of the movie. Your feelings, what movie is better, and if -in your opinion- which movie may be better than the book."

A small smile played on my pink lips. I loved old books, and movies. They had so much class and so much history behind each part.

"Tomorrow we'll start the book, I'll be reading it aloud to you. For now please work on the worksheets that I hand to you." He gave up worksheets and sat on the edge of the table at the front of the class. So many of the female students check him and his ass out. Who could blame them though? The man was good looking.

"As you work I will take questions." He crossed his arms.

"How old are you?" Sara asked him as she chewed on the end of her pencil, trying to look sexy. But she really didn't.

"Twenty five," He responded simply.

"How long have you been teaching?"

"Three years. This is my third year. The last two were spent at JHerrn high school. The women I was covering for was on maternity leave for two tears. She came back so I ended up here." He explained.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Chelsea asked. She was one of those people liked to talk about a lot, She once dated seven guys in one school week. But that's Chelsea for you. She had on a little pink-white mini skirt with a white shirt. It may not sound slutty but it was.

"Yes," Mr. Morgan answered sternly. Many girls let out a sigh. I rolled my eyes. He's too old for us. I mean it's not like any of us actually had a chance with him anyway. A few good reason why? For one: he's our teacher, Two: He's twenty five, and Three: He has a girlfriend. I bet he makes her very happy with his sexy looks, body, voice...Holy shit. I need to stop doing that.

The bell later rang through the school for the second last time. I was so glad I didn't have anymore classes. I could just go home for my free period since it was the end of the day. I took my time to clean up my stuff. Once all my thing were gathered I started walking to the door.

"I'm surprised you have a copy of that book, Alexa." Mr. Morgan spoke in that sexy voice.

A colour of red formed on my cheeks. "I've read it a few times."

"Impressive. It's hard to find student that have read that book and not just watched the movie because Leonardo DiCaprio was in it," He chuckled.

I smiled. "Have a good night, Mr. Morgan." I told him and left for home.

I got home smiling. Once I walked in I heard my parents fighting. My eyes hit my father who had stormed down the stairs with his bags. He kissed my forehead and just left. My legs took me upstairs to find my mother crying. "Mom,"

"Oh, Lexi. I didn't want you hearing that." She cried. I went over to her and hugged her.

"Oh mama. What's wrong?"

"Your father and I got into a fight. We're divorcing, Lex." My mother told me. Twenty years of marriage just left our house.

~Thanks for reading! The relationship will be forming in the next few chapters. I hope you liked this chapter and continue reading this book when there are updates. Thanks again! Comment vote and share!


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