Chapter Seven

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I put my hands on Jake's chest and pushed him away. "No," It came out as a whisper.

"Alexa," Jake nuzzled his face in my neck, and kissed it. I failed not to moan. "Moan my name, baby." He said huskily.

"Jake, No." I told him, trying to be responsible. But I knew I would end up giving in to him, It's what I wanted.

"I said moan my name," He demanded and sucked, bit, and kissed my unmarked neck- it was unmarked, until now.

"Jake," I moaned loudly. Point Jason. He had won this one. "Please."

Jake pulled away with a smirk on his face, "You said no, I'm going now." He got up and went to my door.

I sat up and gave him a look. Like what the fuck was that?! He can't just tease me like that. I was fucking wet and I know that he knows I'm wet, because of him. "I-"

"One day I'll fuck you, and make you scream my name," He cut me right before he left.

I fell onto my bed and let out a sigh. For the next hour I replayed what just happened, I wanted him. He knew that and he was going to take advantage of that. He'll tease me and make me want him more then I do at this very second. I admit: He has soft hungry lips. I wanted those lips in more places then my own lips and neck. I wanted his lips all over my body.

I couldn't tell Emilia about this, she would freak and talk about how bad she wants to fuck him and how I'm lucky I almost got to fuck him.

It hit me, I cheated on Austin. The boyfriend I didn't even want, I cheated on him. I did it without even thinking twice about it. My phone went off. Grabbing it Emilia's name popped up more then once.

Groaning, I opened the text and read it.

Emilia: Austin wanted your number so I gave it to him. Sorry! 😏

Emilia: Don't hate me! Love you.

I rolled my eyes as I read the message and texted back: It's fine. See you tomorrow, Milia.

Then another text popped up. This time, from an unknown number: Hey, Lex. It's Austin.

I chose to ignore his text and instead get dressed for bed. I slipped on a pair of silk shorts and a shirt that matched. As I sat on my bed all my mind could think of was Jake. What we did on my bed- what we almost did on my bed. It brought a slight smile it myself. I knew it wasn't a good idea to be fantasizing about my teacher, but I was. And I liked it.

The next morning I was tired and didn't want anything to do with school. I didn't want to see Jake, Emilia or Austin. But I knew I had to and it would happen today wether I liked it or not, it would happen.

As I walked into the building I heard my name being called. I tried to ignore it but someone grabbed my shoulder, when I saw who it was I almost sighed. Austin. "Hey, I texted you last night."

"I know," I said. "I was just so tired from homework and stuff that I wasn't returning anyone's texts. I just went to bed." I lied right to his face.

Austin smiled down at me. "That's alright, Lex. I have to leave early today so I won't be in Math or English with you."

I nodded. Maybe I could get detention alone with Jake.

The day went by fast, until third. Math.

I was alone in Math, it ended up going faster then I thought because Mr. Morgan wasn't here, but I was sure I seen him today. Maybe not but that's okay.

I spent my lunch with Emilia. She wanted to know everything that had happened yesterday with Austin and I. So I told her not leaving anything out, okay, I left the part about Jake out.

A nice Audi parked on the other side of the parking lot, it was a black Audi. The driver door opened and a guy in a grey suit stepped out. Holy shit. It was Mr. Morgan. Damn he looked fucking good today. And that was his car...I felt my panties wet. Not because he had an Audi. It was because of how sexy he looked.

When he walked by I almost slapped myself for wanting him.

When English class came around there he was. He looked so hot. It was almost unbelievable of how hot he looked.

"We'll be finishing up the movie today then I expect and one page essay on the movie. Due tomorrow." He wrote just that on the white board after putting the movie on. Every few minutes we snuck glances in at each other.

The bell rang and students pilled out. "Lexi, stay." I went over to his desk and looked at him.


"What happened last night, how wet are you right now?" What kind of question was that? From Jake. From my teacher.

"Excuse me?" Jake stood up and pushed me on the desk. He shoved his hand up my dress and moved my panties aside, I felt one of his fingers brush against my clít. A moan escaped me.

"You're wet for me, Alexis." Jake took his hand out of my dress and licked his finger. "You taste good." A smirk spread across his arrogant face of his. I planted my feet on the floor and got off the desk. "Let me show you what a real man can do to that tight pûssy of yours."

I hated myself for it, but I nodded in response.

"See you at seven." He told me then went behind his desk.

~Sorry if it seemed rushed! It was kinda good though! I wanted to get it out before I went to school so here it is! I hope you liked it! No sex yet, but soon, maybe 😏. Soon I promise. I promise the next chapter will be super good! It might be out this weekend or next week. I'm not sure yet! But thanks for reading. Don't forget to comment, vote, and share!

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