Chapter Thirteen

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•I am back for another chapter! Mhm! Get ready cause I think this will be a good one! Comment, Vote, and Share! Love all you amazing readers! 💋💋💋

Lexi POV:



Shaped Perfectly!

What am I doing? I'm stairing at Jake's ass! Yep! When he turns around to write on the bored my eyes get lost on his ass! Well I mean it is a nice ass, and it deserves to be looked at while being admired.

My eyes were still on his lower half when he turned around. He fucking caught me looking at his ass too. A smirk was shoot my way.

"Do the text book I've assigned and all of you should be fine for the test tomorrow. Now, this is worth a good chunk of this terms grade which will fall into your semester grade, so do your best and you'll be fine." Jake looked at me then his eyes travelled over to the hand that was up. Fucking Lisa Cormic. She seemed so innocent but she wasn't, she was the worst in elementary and middle school! She got everyone in trouble because her daddy's a rich guy. "Yes, Lisa?" I swear to fuck I heard him purr when he said that. I may be the only one who noticed it, but I'm pissed.

"Can I stay at lunch for some extra help? I don't understand question Seven B in section five." Lisa batted her long black eyelashes which always got her what she wanted. Little princess? No, little stuck up bitch.

"Of course. Does anyone else not understand anything?" Jake asked looking around the class. I would raise my hand but I'm the smartest one in here and have the highest grade. All my teachers always tell me that, I do get so tired of hearing it though. I'm just this need chick.

I was so god damn thankful when Bradley Van raised his hand. Now Lisa wouldn't be stuck in a room, along with MY man- I mean teacher. I wasn't jealous, okay?!

The bell rang through the school and each and every one of our classrooms.

I took my time gathering my things to go to lunch. Lisa didn't need to be around Jake for that long anyway. We was taken, I mean possibly taken. I'm sure of it anyway.

I walked out and made my ass sway the way he liked it only to make him want me. I was pissed at him for too many things.

The thoughts cleared out of my mind when I ran into Emilia. "Em!" I squealed. I didn't get to see her this morning.

"Hey, babe. Listen. I got a lunch date." She explained to me.

"Yeah, alright. Have fun." I smiled then went to the library. I sat in the back and took my phone out. I was really the only one who sat back here. It was behind some book shelves and was a bit dark for reading. But I had something on my phone. Since I have to read the black binder I took pictures of the pages to read at school. That's my smart brain thinking!

As your Dom, I will decide if I share you with anyone else- which will not be happening.

An STD test will be done before entering my Domanit Room If an STD shows up on your test the relationship will be terminated immediately. If there is any health problems, I am required to be told by the Sub at once.

I requirements for sex if for the Sub to be on birth control and to take it. If caught not taking it, punishments will be issued. Condoms will not always be used but both Dom(myself) and Sub is required to carry at least one condom with them at all times for sexual interactions outside of the Dominant Room.

I take a breath and I knew reading this was turning me on a bit. Okay, a lot. I swear my lacy pink panties were wet now. God damn, Jake. My eyes became glued to my screen of my phone again as I read the rules and understandings.

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