Chapter Sixteen: The last task.

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This is my 16th chapter! hope you'all still like it! comment/vote/fan! i only own the characters i made up.

Chapter Sixteen: The last task.

Bridget POV

I woke up and opend my eyes. I stood up, putted my clothes on, took my bag and ran to my first class. Alright everyone...we're going to make the potion on page 294....Good luck...I opend my book on that page and took the ingredients for the potion. Did you had a nice walk in the forrest yesterday? rowe....Malfoy said. I'm not reacting on that..and me with making this potion..I told him what he needed to do and in 20 minutes our potion was finished. Well done rowe and two can go...While everyone was still working on the potion i walked out of the classroom. I heard some footsteps behind me but just ignored them and walked as fast as i could to the library. Quick i took all different books from the shelves and started to surch. After an half hour i still didn't found what i was surching for, i putted the books back and walked thinking up and down the hall. Why do you howl like a wolf rowe? want to contact your only friend? Not now malfoy...What if...I turned to him. NOT NOW!!! the yell was an half growl and i just continued walking up and down the hall after malfoy left. The bell rang and i putted my hands on my ears. The sound of it was too loud. Quick i ran to the girls bathroom and throwed water in my face. Where is help if you need it..i mumbled. And there she was...Melody..standing behind me. Do you need help? you look pretty miserable..she asked, just like nothing happend. I don't want your help...But Bridg..I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP!!! She looked very calm at me and just helped me to calm down and drink a little bit of water. When i was calm and feeling better she was gone again. Strange...i mumbled again. I skipped the rest of my classes and prepared for the last task, i really had no idea of what it was going to be. It's time bridget..i said to myself and looked one more time in the mirror. Quick i ran off the stairs to the labyrinth were everyone was waiting. Loud music played and i resisted to put my hands on my ears. Welcome Everyone! this is the last task! who finds the cup in the labyrinth is the triwizard tournament champion! Alright contestants, find the cup, if you can't go on in the labyrinth you shoot red spots in the air, but i warn you..the labyrinth changes people...dumbledore whispered to us. Alright! first is cedric, then harry, bridget, krum, delacour! Let the last task begin! Cedric dissapeard first into the labyrinth, harry and i went after him. Good luck harry...Good luck bridget...We took each an different way of the labyrinth. Quick i started to run. The way closed after me and rushed forward. As fast as i could i ran to an side way. I sniffed the air to find an track of the cup. Got it! I started running and tripped over by a plant. Reducto! I unleashed myself and followed the track. After an couple of minutes running i stopped and thought about it. I need to shift in my wolf form..otherwise i can't follow the track exactly...I looked around and shifted into my wolf form. I picked up the scent and followed it. I heard an scream. *Fleur..* I just kept running and stood in front of krum. Grrr....i growled threatning at him. He was bewitched...He just walked away. I followed the track of the cup and found it. Quick i ran towards it but the labyrinth closed in front of me. I took another way and saw the cup again, with harry and cedric at the other side. Quick i ran towards it, with the labyrinth closing behind me. You saved me, you take it harry...No..let's take it together...I growled at them and touched at the same time the cup with my nose. * a portkey?* We flew down at a graveyard. I flew against an stone and changed back because i hitted the stone hard. Did you saw that wolf harry? the cup was a portkey! cedric said. Cedric..we need to get out of here..harry said. I stood up and walked towards them with my hand on my broken rib. Bridget? How did were the wolf...I don't know were you are talking about, i was standing behind you two harry...Doesn't matter..we need to leave now...go back to the portkey..harry said. I heard something and hid behind a big gravestone just in time. Avada Kedavra! wormtail said, pointing his want at cedric. Cedric no! harry shouted. Harry got stuck in the big gravestone. While i was hiding i started to feel the change again. I tried to keep quiet to not betrail my hiding place. When i looked up i saw an weird , white man in an black cloak standing in front of the man called wormtail. Other man in black cloaks and white masks appeard and stood in an cirkel around him. I didn't heard what he was saying, i was still holding back the shift. The pain wasn't wearable anymore and i screamed out. Aaaaahhh!!!!!! The man stopped talking , looked behind the gravestone were harry was stuck and saw me. Well..well..well..the doughter of the rowe's..Imperio...He let me down next to harry. I clawed my nails into the ground. Why did it hurt so much now? i thought before i screamed again. He surched my memories and found it. I'm glad i didn't kill i give you the choice..join me or die just like potter..I'll never join killed my parents..and my brother..i growled it to him. He looked up to harry. Harry! i almost forgot you were here! we met before harry..the problem was then i couldn't touch you...and now..i can...the boy who lived..died today..The gravestone let harry free and he fell to the ground. Pick up your wand potter..dumbledore sure told you how to duel..right? Will you take care of bridget...he said, looking ove his shoulder. An girl of my hight and my age stept forward. I couldn't see her face. She putted off her mask and it was...Melody..i whispered. Shivering i stood up and took out my wand. Melody...please...i don't want to kill you..Kill me? Kill me?! i'm going to kill you before you can strike back! Avada Keda...I shifted into my wolf form , rushed forward and bit her wand in half before she could finish the curse. I pinned her down to the ground and growled in her face. I bit her in the shoulder and throwed against an big stone. She fell unconscious to the ground. I growled at the death eaters and hunted them down, they all dissapeard before i could unleash my power. I looked at the power dome around harry and voldemort. Harry looked at me and focused again. I ran to melody and cedric and took them with me. I stood behind harry and waited for us to go. Harry broke the conection with voldemort. Accio Firecup! The cup flew to our direction and we all flew back to the start of the labyrinth were everyone was sitting and standing. I was smart enough to shift before we left, so no one was going to scream. The celebration music started to play. Dumbledore and a few teachers saw that something was wrong and came down. Harry..let go harry..No! Harry..what happend..He's back! Voldemort is back! He killed Cedric...Harry finally stood up and even more people stood around them. I looked worried at melody, who was still unconscious and had a big headwound. I embraced her, and didn't let go. A tear ran down my face. Sudently melody woke up, without me noticing, and she stabed me with an knife. I looked at her and fell over. Melody stood up and walked away. Melody was gone..i thought. I lay unconscious on the ground because i lost a lot of blood. When i opened my eyes i saw that i was in the hospital wing of the school. Where am i?! what happend?! where is melody?! Calm need to rest. I looked up and saw emily. I pinched in her hand. Melody is now one of them...she tried to kill me..twice..I looked around and saw harry, hermione, ron, daniel and sheila they were also standing around me. But i still have you guys..After i was fully recoverd and said everyone goodbye, i left to my new home. They found out that i still had an aunt and uncle who were also wizards, they were still young, just like my parents were. When i arrived i smiled at them and they welcomed me warmly. After i was settled in my new room i fell asleep on my new bed, this school year was one of the toughest of all.

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