Chapter Nine: The beginning of the 3th year.

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Hi! this is my 9th chapter! Comment/Vote/Fan if you want to.                                                                

I do not own any characters only the ones i made up.

-H9: The begin of the 3th year.

Melody POV 

Quick i checked out who my new roommate is for this year...s..s...s....Found it! Salone,Melody - Rowe,Bridget. Yes! I surched for bridget and found her with her friends in the common room of griffindor. Bridget!!! We are sharing a room for this year! Bridget smiled at me and presented her friends to me. A few weeks later, her friends where mines  to right now but bridget was still my best friend. Come on Bridget! you always said you wanted  to join the quidditch team of gryffindor, and now you're an 3th year student so you can audition. Alright then melody...i'm coming..i just need to coat! Quick bridget ran away to escape the audition. I took an quiet hallway to catch up with her and dragged her to the audition. Do you two want to audition? A boy asked. No...not me..but bridget wants to audition. Full name please? the boy asked. Bridget Rowe..bridget said. Alright then're auditioning tomorrow at 2 o'clock so be on time. I walked away with bridget and said: See..that wasn't that hard, wasn't it? She gave me a look and we walked to our next class: Defence agains the darks arts. Today we're going to prepare for the practicle lessons, Turn your book at page 12 and 13, study that page, next week i want an report of those 2 paragraphs, good luck everyone! I start to write an draft of my report. O and before i forget...if i found two reports that look a like then you both get an low grade for it. The bell rang after an hour. Bridget? would you mind to stay a little longer? i need to ask you something Professor Lupin said. See you at lunchtime bridget..I walked to my next class without waiting for an answer.

Bridget POV

I turned to Professor Lupin and said: What's the matter Professor? Bridget..i heard that you've been very sick in the vacation, and i would like to offer you some help, if you ever need some help you can come to me..well if it's about your disease..Thank you professor..i'll keep that in mind. I walked to the eating room because the bell would rang soon and i didn't mind to skip my extra lessons for once. After 20 minutes the bell rang. I sat down at the gryffindor table and waited for everyone else. An alarm was going off, the evacuation alarm. It rang if there were practices and when there were real problems. Quick i stood up and ran threw the hall, looking for an way out. Suddently i saw smoke and real fire, quick i turned and tried to find another way out. Every possible way out were blocked. I ran to my room and took my broomstick. It was this or die..a simple choice if you ask me. I opened the window and flew out of the room on my broomstick, surching for some other students. There they were, at the square of the school. Quick i flew in there direction when i saw a girl and a boy screaming and bouncing with there hands against the window. I flew to them and broke the window. I'm here to safe you! but some one has to wait! i can't take both of you! The girl climbed back on first. I flew to the school square and set her off. I flew back and the boy climbed back on. Quick i flew to the school square and weakness fell over me again. I couldn't land properly and fell to the ground on the school square. Bridget! Melody ran towards me and i stood up after an short unconsciousness. I turned to the boy: Are you okay? He stood up. Yes..just a few scratches. I bent to pick up my broomstick and made an sound of pain when i stretched my arm. The boy of the audition came towards me and also madame pomfrey. You can fly really good, your in the team bridget!..well you still need to train and w'ill see what spot you get...Get out of the way boy! madame pomfrey said. She looked at my arm and said: it's broken child..when the fire is out i'm going to heal your arm in my workspace. She walked to the two i saved and i sat down on the ground from exhaustion. Melody sat next to me and said: you're sick again...aren't you? Yes..i think i am...After an hour we could all go back in the school. Madame Pomfrey heald my arm and i walked out of the hospital wing. Quick i walked to the quidditch training fields and hoped that the boy and his team were training now. Hi bridget! Harry! i gave him a hugg. Are you feeling alright? you look pale again bridget...I think i'm getting sick again...well i hope it's over soon...harry, are you auditioning too? No, i've already make the team...o...i need to go...good luck bridget! I took out an broomstick of the stack of broomsticks and stood ready. I always hated that my last name was at the end of the alphabet. Rowe, Bridget! I walked to the captain of the team and listend what it had to say: We're just going to play a short round of quidditch, do you have any experience? Well..i've played it with friends...What are you going to audition for? I think...You need to know for're not the only one who's auditioning. I want to audition for chaser. Alright then take the outside with katie...Good luck! Everybody get ready!! I stood on my spot and flew on my spot. I looked at katie and at the quidditch balls. Everybody Ready? Go! The captain released the balls and flew in front of the goal. He had to be the keeper. Quick i concentraded on the game and rushed forward to get the quaffle. The other team got it. I rushed to the one who had the quaffle and took the quaffle back. Fast i throwed it to katie and rushed forward. Katie was almost at the goal and throwed it back at me. I scored and the other team began. This time katie scored and after one hour the round was over and we all flew back to the ground. Alright everyone! good job! everybody come together! i'm going to say who's in the team! The seeker: harry potter! The keeper i'm already doing that myself, The 2 outside chasers: Katie Bell and Bridget Rowe! The centre chaser: Angelina Johnson! The two beaters: Fred Weasley and George Weasley! The rest of the people can audition again next year, thanks for your audition! if some of us can't play then w'ill come to one of you, so that you can fall in for that person! Good job everyone! Alright team, i give you all a schedule of the trainings, see you all at the next training! I put the broomstick on the stack of broomsticks and walked to my room, dizzy from exhaustion. I took an shower, put on my school clothes, made of my hair an braid, putted my wand in my sweather and walked to diner. I sat down with my friends. Hi everyone! Congratulations! you've made the team! Melody said. The others congratulated me too and harry. After diner i walked back to my room and put on some easy clothes. I ran outside of the school and into the forest. I just needed to run. Quick i ran threw the forest to relax a bit. I heard an familiar, kind, howl and looked around. Wolf jumped on me so i fell and he licked my face. I laughed. I've missed you too buddy...I stood up and said: Come on wolf! let's do a game..we sprint to the hollow tree and back to the forest line and if you win you get some meat...if i win can made up one for me yourself...1....2....3.....Go! Quick i started to run and wolf passed me in no time. I speed up and before i knew it i passed by wolf...quick i turned around the hollow tree and ran back to the forest line at full speed. Wolf reached almost before me the forest line but i was a little faster. I won! now you can made up something for me. Wolf was now almost the normal size of a wolf, just a little smaller, but he would grow a lot so i think he's going to surprise me. You'ill pose for me? I said when he sat beautifully. Quick i sat 2 meters in front of him and drew him. Quick i added some colours, shadows and background. I turned the drawing to wolf and he studied it. Wolf was really smart, smarter then an normal wolf...maybe he was a different one too...some one with a disease that looked like mine...or a curse...maybe both..i don't know but he is not an normal wolf...i know that for sure. Wolf barked at me and looked happy with the result of my drawing. Quick i put my sign book away and got ready to play with him. I crawled softly to him and gave him a push. He pushed back with his snout and we rolled and pushed and tickled each other. I laughed and gave him a hugg. He got away from my hugg, gave me an lick on my face and ran back to the forest again. I sighed, stood up and thought about this day...Damn! i forgot my extra lessons! Quick i looked around with the feeling of being watched. I ran back to the school and to the common room of gryffindor. Wow...what did you do? Thom asked. Well...i wanted to run so i put on easy clothes and went to the forest after dinner..i said it like it was the easyest thing in the world. You mean the forbidden forest? Hermoine said. Yes hermoine..the forbidden forest..But that's dangerous bridget! you don't know what's out there! Well...a friend of me lives there and i've never been attacked by anything. What kind of friend? hermoine asked worried. An wolf that i safed when it was an pup. Bridget! It do ecxplains the horrible scent coming from you..thom joked. hahaha...very funny...How was school today? sheila asked. Well...i skipped a few lessons and it's a longggg time ago that i've been at my extra lessons...You shouldn't skip lessons, the most of the lessons are very important...hermoine said. Well..whatever..Have anyone seen melody? No we haven't problably she's already sleeping or something..emily said with an cold voice. I walked to my room and sat down on my chair, i fell immediently asleep.

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