Chapter Two: The Sorting.

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Evan POV

''Evan!!!!! Wake up you lazy ass!!!! It's sorting day!!!'' I looked at the time on my pocketclock. ''God..go away bridget! It's 8 o' clock!'' I threw a pillow in her face when she was trying to dragg me out of bed. ''Alright! I'm going to look around evan, see you later!'' ''what ever bridget... ''When she left i get up because i couldn't fall asleep again. I looked at my pocketclock and read the text on it: don't give up...i was wondering where bridget was looking right now..i hoped she was safe.....

Bridget POV

I walked out of the room and looked around. Some voices came down the hall. Without making any sound i walked to the voices. ''We don't know what they can do and know's to dangerous.....'' ''i'm sure that they won't be our biggest problem severus but if you think it's neccesary you can take an eye on them...''i walked back on normal speed when the door opened and admired an moving painting/picture on the wall...Snape looked at his left and then at his right....i knew that he heard me listening or something during that conservation.

I walked towards dumbledore's office and ignored snape who was shooting daggers with his eyes at me. I knocked on the door. ''Come in..''dumbledore said. ''Hi proffessor! you wanted to'' ''Yeah i do, where's your brother?''  ''He still wanted to sleep but...i didn't told him why he should get up''. ''Well then i talk with him later''. ''Did you mom or dad told you anything special?'' ''Yes, dad did....he told me that i was a new kind of something? I can't remember the name or anything else of it''. ''Ok you can go now,see you at the sorting ceremony''. ''Oh..there was something told me in a letter that i shouldn't touch people with my hands''. ''Ok thank you for your honesty bridget...'' ''see you at the ceremony proffessor''.

I walked out of Dumbledore's office and saw snape in the hall. ''What's wrong with your hands...'' he said without any emotion when i passed by. ''I don't know...''i answered. ''Bridget! Bridget?'' I walked to evan. ''What's wrong evan?'' ''They are stepping on to the train and be here about 4 or 5 hours''. ''How do you know?'' ''I figured it out... ''5 hours later the other students arived. Mcgongall leaded the first years to the front door in a line, evan and i were first. ''I pick you all up as soon as possible for the sorting ceremony'' mcgongall said.

I looked over my shoulder at the other first years.. a boy with a pale skin and blond hair was after me in the line. ''Hello, i'm Draco Malfoy''. ''Hi i'm Bridget Rowe''. Dumbledore was starting the ceremony with people with an a. ''Hufflepuf!'' The hat shouted. ''Granger, Hermione! Gryffindor!'' ''Grendall Daniel! Gryffindor!'' ''Grendall, Emily! Ravenclaw!'' Another Hufflepuffs,Slytherins,Gryffindors and Ravenclaws sat down. ''Rowe, Evan!'' Everybody fell quit and whispered. ''Let's see! Brave...protective..kind...funny...Gryffindor!'' The Gryffindor table was clapping. ''Rowe, Bridget!'' Everything fell silent again.''Dark...kind...curious..brave and mysterious...where should i sort you in? You can be good in Slytherin...hmm...Gryffindor!'' The Gryffindors were clapping and i sat down by evan, a boy called Daniel and Harry,Ron and Hermione right in front of me. ''Hello Bridget! I'm Hermoine!'' ''Well..hello..this is my brother Evan''. ''Hi Evan, these are Harry and Ron'' Hermoine said. ''Hi'' ,Harry and Ron said.

''Hello firstyears! I hope you i'll get a wonderfull year! All your suitcases and pets are all ready in your compartent house and in your room, the prefrects will lead you there, good luck everyone for this year!'' I walked with hermione,evan,ron and harry to the gryffindor house,following the prefrect fred a brother of ron. ''Flavoured candy's'' fred said. ''Is that the pass word?'' ''Yes it is every house has one so no intregures'' hermione said.

I looked on the roommate map. ''Evan,you're with daniel and harry is with ron''. ''We are roommates hermione!'' We said goodbye to the boys and walked to our room. I yawned, ''i think i'm gonna sleep right away..''i looked at my schedule and put all of my books for tomorrow in my bag. I put on my pj's and fell asleep when i lay on my bed.

Evan POV

I looked on my pocketclock. ''Daniel! Wake up! We're late!'' Quick i put on my school uniform and put my books in my bag with my schedule. I throw water in his face. ''Evan! Was that really neccesary?!'' ''Yes daniel! We're an half hour late! And we have potions! So quick!'' Daniel put on his uniform and grabbed his bag with books. We ran to potions and walked in. ''I hope you two have an reason to be awfully late..mister grendall and mister...rowe..detention at the end of the day.''proffessor snape said emotionless.

Daniel and i sat down. I saw bridget holding back her laughter. She couldn't hold it back like always. I looked on the bord and saw the couples: hermione-emily, daniel-evan, harry-ron, draco-bridget, goyle-crabb,etc. ''Make the potion of forgetness..''he stopped talking when bridget started laughing. ''Miss..rowe..what is so funny?'' She stopped laughing.

''Nothing..sorry that i interupted''. ''Okay begin with the potion on page 44...''this was gonna be fun! Daniel and i didn't watched how much of ingredients we should do in the kettle. After 20 minutes our potion explode. When we saw an angry glare of snape we cleaned it up.

Bridget POV

I looked on page 44. And crushed the herb instead of cutting. ''Good job Miss rowe..''After 20 minutes the potion of daniel and evan explode. and after 10 minutes i was done...draco didn't do much.. Snape walked by every couple and stood still at ours. ''Well done..''

The bell rang and everybody walked to the next class. ''Get out of my way you filthy Mudblood..''Draco spat at Hermione.''shut up can walk around us to so leave my friend alone..''i spat back. He walked threw us with Crabb and Goyle next to him. ''What an ass..''i whispered.

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