Chapter Nineteen: Anonimous.

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Hi, i finally had time to write and inspiration, hope you'll still want to read this story, although i don't update very fast. Comment/vote/fan. And i know it's a short chapter..i'm just stuck..and it really sucks..


Uncle Stuart's Pov

Everything around me was dark, darkness was the only thing i saw, nothing more. I remembered..they kidnapped me, the deatheaters..all because of Bridget..why was she so important to them? ''Tell us where she is..'' one of them hissed impatient in my ear. I felt a wand against my throat. ''You can ask away, but i won't answer any of your questions..'' i told them calm. ''Crucio!'' the deatheater next to me growled impatiently, while keeping his wand at my throat. I screamed out in pain, trying not to give in. ''Where is she!'' he yelled in my ear, leaving a loud ringing. The pain got worser, it was too much. ''I'm sorry Bridget..'' i whispered to myself, knowing she would never forgive me. A tear escaped my eye and slid down my face. ''I'll tell you! please stop!'' I screamed, trying to sound hearable. He lowered his wand. ''If you're lying about where she is we will come after you and kill you..'' he hissed into my ear, just to clearify things. I took a breath pause, and tried to figure out where she went. After a while i began to speak. ''Bridget doesn't want to bring anyone in trouble because of her, she's probably out there on her own..i don't know where percisely..i hope this is enough information for you..because i do not have anymore information about her whereabouts'' i told them quickly. ''Thank you very much..Stuart..Rowe..'' he thanked me with an evil smile. ''Avadakadavra!'' Before i was able to flee, the curse hit me..The last thing i saw was Rose, my wife, Bridget, and my brother..Bridget's father..after that everything went black in front of my eyes...and it stayed black...

Anonimous Pov

Her uncle was dead..they were now able to track her. i smirked about the thought of tracking her. They were never able to find her..well..maybe they were able to, but she was a good one, she always knew how to cover her tracks. O, i forgot to introduce myself...My name is Marcus, a.k.a. Bridget's father...haven't you noticed that bridget doesn't look like her father at all? A smile appeard on my face. Bridget's mother and i had a relationship when she had a fight with her husband, and that's how bridget has born. Deatheaters are very stupid...they hadn't even noticed me around..i was always there..well..when it envolved Bridget. Bridget wasn't the only one...she got the gene from me..and now she's just like me..although we are different..i posses different powers. I'm not allowed to show myself or to interrupt, this is Bridget's problem, her life. I'm only allowed to interrupt when it's getting out of hand..our species is very rare, it has to be protected. I'm bridget's father..but for now i'll stay Anonimous..

Bridget Pov

I was still asleep on the old couch in the living room. Whispers woke me from my sleep, and i drew my wand. Learned from the last time, i didn't make a sound..maybe it were the deatheaters, or some burglar who thought there was still something to steal in this house. Picking up my bag, i slowly stood back on my feet, and walked backwards towards the back door. Bad move..The whispers dissapeard, and the door got kicked in. Without hesitating, i ran for the back door. ''Incarcerous!'' Suddenly i was wrapped up in ropes and fell to the floor. A growl escaped my lips, and i tried to reach for my wand. One of my attackers picked me up, and blindfolded me. I tried to bite his hand. I heard him curse and smiled softly. A crazy feeling came to boil up my stomach. We apperated..i hated apperating. The guy that picked me up, dropped me on the cold, hard floor. I bumped my head and fell in unconsciousness...

Melody's Pov

I looked satisfied at the unconscious, tied up Bridget..i hated much..but there was still a part of me that cared for her..even had pity for her. That part just wasn't strong enough..I waited for Lord Voldemort to return..he probably would be very pleased with me catching Bridget. I still didn't know what was so special about her though..yeah..she could change into a what? it's not like that's special..she's not even that tall in wolf form..Jealousy got hold of me, and a look of digust crawled up my face. What had gotten in to me? i had my own talent..i didn't need to be a fluffy stupid wolfdog thing..if it wasn't for Lord Voldemort i had already extincted the whole goddamn race. You might wonder why i'm acting like's a long story..but if you really have to know..My mother got killed by these beasts..and more important..not just a regular werewolf..she got killed by Marcus..Bridget's secretive father..actually he's kind of pathetic..he isn't even capable of meeting her face to soon as i get track of him..i'll kill him..even if i have to kill bridget or any of his other loved ones in the proces. This was MY sweet revenge..hopefully Lord Voldemort never found out..he would lock me up, or worse..kill me..and i wasn't ready to die just yet..

Rose's Pov

A sob left my throat..i was all alone..stuart was now lost for 2 whole days..what if something happend to him? what if he got killed? what if they're going to kill me too? what if bridget's going to die? Thousands of what if's ran through my mind. Normally i was a strong woman, and tried to block this pathetic part of myself to the back ground..but with what use? i was all alone..nobody would see me now..and if they would..i didn't care anymore..My hart broke in half, i stared out of the window, with a worried look on my face. The silence surrounded me completely. ''Avada Kedavra!'' A horror scream left my throat at the side of my killer..and then it hit me..I fell with a thump on the floor and whispered their names: ''Stuart..Bridget..'' My voice got caught in my throat, and darkness surrounded was over.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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