Chapter Three: Bridget's Birthday.

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This is my third chapter, hope you like it! 

I do not own any characters of j.k.rowling only the ones i made up.

Bridget Pov

Hermoine and i walked to our first flying lesson. ''Alright everybody! Stand next to an broomstick and say: accio broomstick''. ''Accio Broomstick!'' The broomstick came of the ground and in my hand. ''Well done everyone! Now we're going to fly, climb on your broomstick and don't forget, balance is importent! Okay let's go!'' We flow 1 meter of the ground. ''Alright everybody! Lesson is over all come down to the ground''. ''Wow....''emily's broomstick flow only higher and not lower. ''Miss grendall! Come down immendiatly!'' Her broomstick didn't listen.

I looked around and saw Draco whispering. I walked to him and gave him an angry look. ''What are you doing?!'' I whispered at him. ''Having fun'' he whispered and continued with the spell. ''Damnit...''i whispered. I climbed on my broomstick and flow to emily. ''Climb back on emily''. Emily climbed on the back of the broomstick and we flow down. Emily's broomstick fell after it shocked for the last time. ''Thank you bridget...''she whispered. ''Who did this?! I will find out who did this! Class dismissed!'' Madam hooch shouted.

I walked away with an rising tempeture and anger. ''Rowe! Don't you think it's fun teasing mudbloods?'' I ignored him and kept walking. He let me fall by stretching his leg in front of me. I stood up and turned. ''Malfoy! What's your problem?!'' ''Don't stick your nose in my bussiness rowe...''he walked passed me and i held back for not attacking.

1 month later. It was finally my birthday! Well...i was getting 12 at the end of the year but changed the date like always. I woke up and saw: emily,daniel,evan,hermoine,ron and harry. ''Happy birthday bridget!'' I smiled. ''Thank you all! You guys don't have to throw a party!'' ''Well we really wanted to bridget''. Emily smiled at me and we all ate a piece of cake. ''We know you don't like presents but...we bought a winterhat and hand gloves! I thought you were going to love it''. Emily gave me it. ''Thank you! I really love it!'' ''And today we're still have school but i hope it's not ruin your birthday'' daniel said. ''I'm gonna prank today!'' ''I meet you at the common room'' hermione and emily said.

I switched my pj's for my uniform, put my books in my bag and ran to the common room. ''Hermione! Emily! Someone stole my wand!'' ''Well it is or in your locker or your right''. I ran to my locker and surched for my wand. ''Lost something?'' ''What do you want malfoy...'' ''maybe i can help you finding it..or maybe i know were your wand is..''i shut my locker and turned. ''Alright! What do you want?'' I walked away when he didn't answer. ''Go bother some one else malfoy...''i rushed at mcgongall, the head of gryffindor.

I rushed into her office. ''Proffessor mcgongall! Some one stole my wand!'' ''And why would some one do that bridget?'' ''O..i'm sorry i didn't knocked..''she was having an conversation with dumbledore and i...interupted..stupid Bridget i thought to myself. ''I will anounce it miss rowe..''dumbledore said. I rushed at hermoine,daniel and emily. ''I can't believe someone stole your wand bridget!'' Daniel said a little bit too loud. ''Malfoy knows where it is...'' ''can't you do a spell or something?'' ''I can try..accio wand!'' Nothing happend. ''It must be stuck or something...''i mumbeled.

''What class we have now? Again potions! Is it already friday?!'' ''Bridget!'' Emily looked serious at me. ''You have to relax!'' ''Ok..fine..''we walked into potions and i sat down next to Draco. ''Rowe..Malfoy.. Alright..nobody is late..we will begin with a simple potion called..''my wand flew into the class and.snape catched it out of the air. ''To who belongs this wand...''proffessor snape asked. I reased my hand.''it's mine proffessor.'' ''you'ill get your wand back at the end of the day..'' ''shit..''i whispered.draco grinned and i elbowed him.''Malfoy..Rowe..detention..''snape said with his emotionless voice.

The next lesson was charms. ''Alright everyone! Open your books at page 86. Lurn all the spells and charms and of course how to speak them.we are gonna make feathers fly, repeat what i'm saying when you are whiping your wand at the feather. Wingardium leviosa!'' ''Wingardium leviosa!'' I repeated, without a wand. I bound two shoe laces from two boys together: ''glucio'' i whispered. ''Well done everyone! Class is over! Don't forget your homework!'' The two boys stand up and tried to walk. They fell. Quick i ran out of the classroom, laughing.

Emily and hermione rushed towards me. ''Are you crazy? They will find out bridget!'' ''What ever hermoine''. I walked towards my next lessons and after that i walked to snape's classroom for detention. I hated it that snape took my wand..if he hadn't i would do more pranks today. Snape came out the classroom. ''Go inside miss rowe..i will be back in a couple minutes..''when i walked in i surched for my wand. ''He took it with him rowe..he's not crazy...'' ''i asked you nothing malfoy...'' ''well...snape is going to dumbledore because you have an unique wand or something...''i sat down.

''This day ended up in an disaster..''i mumbeled to myself. ''Disaster? Why rowe? Got much trouble today?awhh how sad that your mom can't help you or comfort you she dead?'' ''Enough malfoy! Leave me alone!'' I punched malfoy in the face and realised what i did. I'm not wearing handgloves..draco's skin was paler then first,he couldn't breath and he was tortured and shivering. I backed away against the wall and didn't move from fear.

Snape came in. ''Miss rowe and..mister Malfoy...''he rushed to draco. ''What did you do..'' ''i..i...'' ''stay here rowe...i'll be right back''. I sank down to the ground and tears slid down my face from fear. Snape came back and i stood up while i was whiping the tears away. ''What did you do with malfoy rowe...'' ''he..he talked about my mom and punched him in the's all my fault..i should wear handgloves..'' ''if you ever do this again and i see you not wearing your handgloves you get detention again..and now..get out..''he gave me my wand back. ''Don'''i walked to my room and cried out.

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