Chapter Six: The begin of the 2e school year.

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Hi! this is my 6th chapter! vote/react or fan if you want!

i do not own any characters, only the ones i made up.

-Chapter Six: The begin of the 2e school year.

Emily POV

''Bridget! Come on! If we won't leave now we miss the train!'' five minutes later bridget came down, she looked broken. ''Bridget come on, do you have all your stuff?'' she nodded and walked with my dad, daniel and me to the fireplace. ''The Train Station!'' we all stapped in the fireplace one by one and appeard at the trainstation. ''Daniel! wait for us!'' Daniel ran threw the wall to platform 9 3/4 and we followed after him. ''Have a good year emily, daniel and..bridget...''Dad gave us all a hug and left. I turned to bridget and saw her just standing and looking at the floor. ''Bridget...come on...''we hand in our stuff and stepped on the train, walking to our part of the train.

When we walked through the train everybody looked after us. empty one..we all sat down. ''Sorry sis! i'm going to my friends! i'll see you when we arrive..see you then..bridget..''He walked out and only bridget and i were left. I sat next to bridget and tried to comfort her. She turned to me and looked with no emotion at me. ''Leave...Me...Alone...Emily...''i sat on the other counch and just buyed some candy. After 2 hours we finally arrived. ''Come on bridget..we arrived...''She looked at me again and said: ''leave me...alone...'' ''Fine! suit yourself..'' what was wrong with her? I stepped out of the train and walked to the entrance with Daniel, Sheila and Thom. I send daniel a worried glare and he did the same back. We both knew something was wrong with bridget..and she needed our help.

Bridget POV

When emily left i stand up and walked slowly threw the other cabins of the train. ''Rowe! are you lost? or maybe surching something?'' a few people laught. I turned to them and saw malfoy with his friends. ''That's none of your bussiness...'' I stepped out of the train and put my hood of my cape on. When i walked through the entrance gate i saw my suitcase in a stack of other suitcases. I walked to Vilder who surched the suitcases. ''What is this all about?!'' ''There are new protection rules miss rowe...'' ''Keep your hands off my suitcase or  you'll regret it..''He wanted to say something back but i already walked in the school. I walked in the eatingroom and sat down at an empty spot at the griffindor table. ''Hello Students! Welcome! I hope you all enjoyed your vacation and let the new year begin! Let's eat!'' dumbledore said. I ate a little bit, not much but enough to keep the hunger away. When the dessert came i took an appel, stood up and left the eatingroom. Everybody who was worried about me looked after me. I only walked faster and ran to the forbidden forest.

When i sat safe in a tree i screamed out of pain, and loneliness. Something cracked down at the ground. I stopped screaming and looked down. ''Who's there?!'' i pulled out my wand and looked down again. ''Who's There!!! Homenum Revelio...''Another wizard was down there. ''Show Yourself! Show yourself!!!!''i yelled into the darkness beneath me. I climbed down and turned to look around. A wand was suddenly pointed at me. ''Who are you?'' i knew it was a teacher but i had never seen him before. ''Go back to school, dumbledore want's to speak with you...''I walked in silence back into the school, to dumbledore's office. I knocked on the door. ''Come in..''When i came in i walked to a chair in front of his desk and sat down. ''You wanted to speak to me?'' ''Yes bridget...i're in danger, and your are changeing...i want you to take extra lessons with snape...he can help you.''

I walked out before he was finished with his sentence. When i walked through the halls i saw snape. '' you have a minute..we need to arrange some extra lessons for you...''I didn't stopped walking and just ignored him. ''Legilimens..'' he whispered. I sank down on my knees when i saw Evan again, catching the attack which was ment for me. No!! The thoughts dissapeard and i stand up and turned to him. ''Stay..out..of my...head..'' ''We need to arrange extra lessons rowe..'' ''Fine..i don't care which hours or which can choose them yourself..good night...'' i walked away to my dormitory and fell asleep when i lay down on my bed.

The Falling Down (Harry Potter fan fiction) [Editing]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu