Chapter One:Betrayed and a Secret.

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This is my first chapter, hope you like it!

I do not own any characters of j.k.rowling only the characters that i made up.

Chapter One: Betrayed and a Secret.

Bridget POV

''Evan!!!! Wake up!!!! I found a little doggy!'' I showed the cute puppy to him. ''Can we keep it? O and today is my birthday!'' Evan was already 11 years, and today i was becoming 11. We never liked to celebrate our birth day on the same day. ''Bridget...can we discuss this later please..'' ''no evan! If i can keep the puppy then it is my present for my birthday?'' '' can keep the dog...'' ''yeay! Love you! I'm making breakfast!'' With the puppy next to me i ran downstairs.

When i was in the kitchen i maked 2 breads with cheese and 2 cups of thea. ''Breakfast's ready!'' Evan walked in to the kitchen and i gave the puppy some water and food. When we ate evan asked: ''when is she coming today? The old lady?'' ''I think at dinner time'' evan said. ''Do you mind if i'm going to the gym? After breakfast? Please?'' ''Sure....but take the back door not the front''. With the puppy, a sandwich,water and an appel i walked to the gym.

I walked in and looked at the trainning machines. An trainer walked to me. ''Hello little girl..can i help you?'' ''No you can't ''. I walked to an boxball and started kicking against it. The boxball fall off with an hard kick and the trainer walked towards me. ''You're really good...''he put the ball back and he teached some things. At 5 i was going home. ''Bye and thank you mister!'' ''Your welcome bridget...'' ''how did he?'' Never mind i thought.

When i came home the old lady wasn't there. ''Evan? Why is she late? She's never late...''then the police kicked our front door out and headed in. ''Hands up! You two are arested!'' ''Why?!'' Evan shouted back. ''Because you lived in this can't live in a house if it isn't yours..and you two murderd your own parents'' the police man said. They put our hands behind our backs and put on handcuffs. The old lady stood behind one of the police man...watching. ''You promised us!!!! You promised!!!you betrayed us!!! I hope something bad happens to you!'' a window broke,and another. ''Bridget...calm down...'' evan whispered in my ear.

They drove us to the police station/prison and we needed to go to jail. They think we killed our parents and grandma...the cel shut behind us. 2 days pass by. ''How long do we need to stay here evan?'' ''I don't no...''a police man shove a box with stuff towards us. ''These are stuff from you parents, it now belongs to you two''. We looked in the box and read the letter:

Hello bridget and evan,

We, mom and dad never been completly honest. Dad and i were wizards, dads job was at the ministry off magic. You two are wizards to. Our family was a long time ago in danger...and it returned.

We don't know why they didn't kill you two to. Soon some one will save you from all your troubles. His name is dumbledore. He takes you two to hogwarts school for wichcraft and wizardy where you will learn how to control your powers.

We have a vault with money were you two can buy school suplies off. We always stay in your hart so you two are never alone and you two are special don't forget that.

With much love, mom and dad.

I looked in the box and took the stuff with my name on it: a neckless, bracelett,scrapbook,book full of magic and a letter. ''What did you get evan?'' ''I got a cape,hat,book,pocketclock and a letter''.evan read his letter and so did i . When i was finised reading i looked at evan and said: ''mom was right....we are special''.

A month later a old man with a cape and grey/white beard came in. He walked towards us and the police man opend the cel. ''Hello bridget and Evan Rowe, i am proffesor dumbledore''. We took our stuff and followed dumbledore. ''You two are going to hogwarts school for witchcraft and wizardry. First we are going to your vault then we are going to get school suplies. At last we are going early to hogwarts. Tomorrow everyone is entering hogwarts and you two will be sorted in a house''.

We walked into the bank to find weird looking creatures.''those are cobolds'' dumbledore whispered to us. ''The key Miss Rowe''. I handed it over to dumbledore. ''We want to pick up money from the family vault from the Rowe's''. The cobold looked at us.''Hmmmm...okay...follow me..''he took the key and we went to a rollercoastertrain kind of thing. ''Wieee!!!!!'' Evan and i shouted during the ride with our hands up in the air. We never have been in an rollercoaster or anything relateable.

We arived at a vault with an beautifull golden decorated letter R written on it. We took some gold and went to buy some school suplies. ''You two need clothes, a wand and a pet. i'm gonna pick up your books''. We ran to the uniforms shop and a women took are sizes. ''So, here they are!'' We paid. ''Thank you ma'am!''

We ran to the wand shop. ''Well well well..the rowe kids! What a surprise! I'm ollivander and i guess you two are here for your first wand''. Evan was first. ''Well well..protective..kind and a real one that love pranks!'' Ollivander picked an wand with a light colour. ''It is made from a young protective tree with a feather of a special bird..i think i have lost the name..well..go on! Try it!'' Evan whiped his wand, a orange flash was coming out. ''Perfect! That's yours then!'' Evan paid. ''Thanks sir''. I rushed to the the front of the desk with exitement. ''Hello miss rowe!'' He picked out a light brown with dark wand. ''It's made of an special tree who's not growing also has a feather of an white lovebird in it and a wolf hair''.i whiped the wand and a flash of gold with black came out. ''That's yours!'' I paid. ''Thank you sir!''

Evan and i bought an pet.Well...i was just looking..finally i bought an cute fluffy white cat. Evan bought an owl with light brown and white feathers. We ran into dumbledore. ''Ready?'' He asked. ''Yes proffessor''. He took our hands and we walked to hogwarts train station.''We need to walk but it wont take long''. When we arrived we put our suitcases in the hall were tomorrow all the others were standing. ''Go to sleep now, i see you tomorrow''.

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