Chapter Eighteen: The Journey Part 2

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Bridget Pov

The sun started to rise, and i woke up. After, waking up, i looked around. My wolf growled to come out. Quickly i climbed down the tree, and started to run, i knew what my destination was. My thoughts drifted away, back to my family, my brother, and then my thoughts drifted to Daniël. Was he alright? did he mis me? is he coming back to school this year? I calmed myself down, and changed into my wolf. I ran through the forrest. A growl escaped my throat when darkness surrounded me. I changed back into myself, and took out my wand. ''Who's there?!'' i yelled with fear in my voice. I hid my fear, and waited for them to attack. Suddenly a flash came towards me, i appereated and the last thing i saw was a mask. I hit my head against the closet. ''Ouch!'' i yelled out in pain, and looked around. I was standing in my parents bedroom. All the memories came back, when i looked around, i rememberd my parents, and my brother. I sank down and sat on my knees. A tear streamed down my face. I missed them so much..and i didn't really understood why they had to die. More tears came, and my vision started to blur. I whiped my tears away, and stood back on my feet. After a moment of hesitation, i opened the door, and walked through the house, reliving all of the memories i had in each room. When i entered the livingroom i froze. In the middle of the livingroom was a message, an huge owl was sitting on the couch and looked at me. I took the letter from him, and opened it, i unfolded the letter and started reading.

Dear Bridget Rowe,

You probably think why someone would sent an owl to this adress, because nobody lived here for years..Well..that's because i always know were you are going, and i wanted to tell you some important things, don't forget to distroy this letter when you are finished reading, nobody needs to know what i'm telling you..because it's a secret..and a few other reasons..Okay, now you know what to do after you red this letter, let's skip the chitchat, we have a lot to discus, first, a lot of people know that you are a new kind of wolf, try to make them to forget..nobody is supposed to know, only you and i, second, your hands, continue wearing handgloves, we don't want you to kill someone you care about at the wrong time, wouldn't we? The last thing, Stop traveling! people are trying to find you, and you are making it a lot easier when you spread your scent everywere, so stop it! Don't forget, your family is still with you, We'll meet soon..


I ripped the letter into pieces, and let the pieces burn to ashes. Anger boiled up in me. Who was he or she to tell me what to do?! is he or she crazy?! I kept wondering what my life would look like when my parents and brother were still alive. Sometimes i even wished to be normal, a muggle, without responsibilities, and just normal stuff to learn. I sighed, and watched the owl fly away. I sat down on the couch and before i knew it, i fell asleep, not noticing the danger that was coming closer and closer, every minute i stayed here.


This was the other half of the chapter, hope you liked it!

Who is the mysterious stranger, who send bridget a letter? and what happend to her uncle, uncle stuart? i'm putting it in the next two chapters, i'll update when i have new inspiration.


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